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 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 15)*                                                                                    _PAGE 1_ The finest of the narratives is the Quran. The best of the affairs is that which has been firmly resolved upon. The worst in religion are those things which are created without sanction. The best of the ways is the one trodden by the Prophets. The noblest death is the death of a martyr. The most miserable blindness is waywardness after guidance. The best of the actions is that which is beneficent. The best guidance is that which is put into practice. The worst blindness is the blindness of the heart". _PAGE 2_ In 631 C.E. the Muslims from Madina proceeded to Makkah to perform the Hajj. The Holy Prophet stayed at Madina, and the pilgrims wer


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 14)*                                                                           _PAGE 1_ The Holy Prophet had other pressing business to undertake, and he could not afford to spend so much time in besieging Taif. The Holy Prophet held a council of war as to the course of action. The council included Uthman. After consulting his companions the Holy Prophet raised the siege of Taif and retired to Makkah. A few days later, Malik b Auf the chief of Taif came to Makkah. As Uthman had property at Taif, Malik b Auf saw Uthman. Uthman stressed on him the advisability of accepting Islam. Malik b Auf asked a few questions and being satisfied asked Uthman to take him to the Holy Prophet. _PAGE 2_ Malik b Auf declared the article of faith and became a M


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm Ath-thalaatha. 16th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Tuesday, 31st October, 2023). *_THE REALITIES OF DREAMS_* BismilLah.  Sheikh Muhammed Saalih Al-Munaajjid mentioned in one of his articles that; Towards the end of time, hardly any dreams will be untrue, The Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him, his family and companions) said. “That will be because the Prophethood and its effects will be so far away in time, so the believers will be given some compensation in the form of dreams which will bring them some good news or will help them to be patient and steadfast in their faith.” (al-Bukhaari, 6499; Muslim, 4200). Dreams are of three types: Rahmaani (Inspiration from ALLAH), nafsaani (psychological, they come from within a person) and shaytaani (those that come from the Shaytaan). The Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said: “Dreams are of three types: a dream from ALLAH, a dream which causes distress and which comes from


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm Al-ithnayn. 15th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Monday, 30th October, 2023). *_JUDGEMENT OF ALLAH_*. *Bismillaah*  Let's be careful how we deal with others as we will be accountable for all on judgement day.  Imam Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever wronged his brother with regard to his honour or any other matter, should seek his forgiveness today, before there are no longer any dinars, or dirhams; and if he has any righteous deeds, they will be taken from him, in accordance with the wrong he did; and if he has no hasanaat(good deeds), some of the sayi`aat(bad deeds) of his counterpart will be taken and added to his burden.” [Bukhari: Kitaab al-Mazaalim, Baab man kaanat lahu mazlamah `inda rajul, Fath al-Baari, 5/101].  This person whose hasanaat are taken from him by the people, and then has their sayi`aat placed on his own back, is the one who is ban


 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 13)*                                                                                                _______PAGE 1_______ Then turning to the people of Makkah, the Holy Prophet posed the question: "O you Quraish, what do you think of the treatment that I should accord you"? The people said with one voice: "Mercy O Prophet of Allah; we expect nothing but good from you". In the hour of triumph the Holy Prophet was most forgiving. He said: "O the people of Makkah, I speak to you in the same words as the prophet Joseph spoke to his brothers. This day there is no reproof against you. Go your way, for you are free".  The announcement was received with great joy and applause. _______PAGE 2_______ Although general immunity was granted to t


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 12)*                                                                                                  _PAGE 1_ Some of the Muslims suggested to the Holy Prophet that as the city was deserted, it should be occupied. The Holy Prophet vetoed the suggestion, and held that the pledge once made could not be violated. The Holy Prophet assured his followers that the day was not far when they would return to Makkah as victors and that might be sooner than what they could think of. _PAGE 2_ On the occasion of the visit to Makkah, Uthman met his mother and family members. He felt that they were now not so hostile to Islam as they had been previously. Uthman hoped that erelong his friends and family members would acceDt the faith of Islam. _PAGE 3 _ Ac


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawmul Ahad. 14th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Sunday, 29th October, 2023). *_SHADE OF ALLAH_*. BismilLah. Abu Huraira may ALLAH be pleased with him reported: The Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, said: There are seven persons whom ALLAH will shade on a Day when there is no shade but HIS: a just ruler; a young person who grew up in the worship of ALLAH; a person whose heart is attached to the masjid; two persons who love each other, meet and depart from each other for the sake of ALLAH; a man whom a beautiful woman of high status seduces, but he rejects by saying, I fear ALLAH; a person who spends in charity and conceals it such that his right hand does not know what his left hand has given; and a person who remembered ALLAH in private and he wept. Sahih Bukhari 629, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi. Let's do a reality check on ourselves to find out where we fit in the above qualities and strive to belong to as many of the above as poss


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm As-Sabt. 13th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Saturday, 28th October, 2023). *_HAYYA ALAL FALAAH_*. BismilLahir Rahmanir Raheem. ALLAH the Most High says: “ Whoever is spared the torment of that Day will have certainly been show ALLAH’s Mercy. And that is the absolute success.” (Qur'an, 7:16) Success is something that all people seek after. But the success most people are after is one that pertains to gain something from this world. In this verse ALLAH shows us the real success. The real success we must seek after and strive to achieve. This success is to be saved from the punishment of ALLAH in the Hereafter. Because the one who is saved from it will be given the good tidings of entrance in the eternal abode of Paradise. That’s the real success we must ask ALLAH a lot through our salaat as Salaat is the key through which ALLAH grant HIS MERCY thats why HE commanded us to call all towards success "Hayyu Alas Salaat (RUSH TO OFFER YOUR SALAA


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 11)*                                                                                             _PAGE 1_ On this occasion, Ali is said to have composed the following verses in the honor of Uthman. "There's one that labors night and day, To build us mosques of brick and clay,And one who turns from dust away.There's no life, but life of next world.O God have mercy on the Muhajreen and the Ansar". After their expulsion from Madina most of the Jews settled at Khyber. They were a cunning and crafty people, and were notorious for their intrigues. _PAGE 2_ The Hudaibiyah pact provided for peace between the Muslims and the Quraish for a period of ten years. This meant that the Quraish could no longer openly aid the Jews against t


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawmul Jumuat. 12th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Friday, 27th October, 2023). *_ALLAH IS  OUR PROTECTIVE FRIEND, OUR WALI_*. BismilLah.  We have different categories of friends. Some friends are fun to hang out with, but that is pretty much it; you cannot exactly rely on them. Other friends are there for you but don’t always give you the best advice. But there are some friends, or that one friend, that truly has your back. The friend you would call to bail you out, because you have no doubt that they will, no matter how much trouble you are in. This friend is actually protective of you, such friend is constantly reminding you of ALLAH, Jannah. Jahannam etc. Think for a moment: do you have a friend like that? ALLAH, subhanahu wa ta’ala (Exhalted is HE), tells us that HE is that Protective Friend. HE is al-Wali. ALLAH says in the Qur’an: “And it is HE who sends down the rain after they had despaired and spreads HIS MERCY. And HE is the Protective Friend


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 10)*                                                                                               _ _PAGE 1 _ __ When there was a delay in the returning of Uthman from Makkah, a rumor spread in the Muslim camp that Uthman had been killed by the Quraish of Makkah. That considerably upset the Muslims. At this juncture the Holy Prophet asked his followers to make a pledge with him to fight in the way of Allah to the bitter end. All the Muslims responded enthusiastically to the call. The Holy Prophet sat under a tree and all the Muslims in the camp took the pledge one by one. _PAGE 2_ After every body had taken the pledge, the Holy Prophet placed his own right hand on his left hand, and took the pledge on behalf of Uthman. Uthman thus secured


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm Al-Khamis. 11th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Thursday, 26th October, 2023). *_SOME MUSLIMS AND DISBELIEVERS ask "WHY ALLAH DOES PERMIT EVIL, HATRED and INJUSTICE ON EARTH?_*. BismilLah. Let's conclude on our topic above; As regards oppression, this is something ALLAH forbids for HIMSELF to do to anyone and HE hates it when anyone oppresses someone else. He does have absolute power over everything. He allows sickness, disease, death and even oppression so we can all be tested in what we do.  ALLAH and HIS Messenger has warned that we must avoid any form of oppression. All we see today are all disobedience to ALLAH not from Islam. The prophet Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam has warned that if two muslims fight each other and die both will enter the hell fire. This is serious isn't it? Today we allow politics and the kuffar to come between us so that we can hate each other and kill ourselves to their own advantage. Today we will rat


 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 9)* _______PAGE 1_______ A year after the battle of Uhud, Abdullah died. Uthman had great love for him, and he was intensely grieved at his death. The Holy Prophet led the funeral prayer. He consoled Uthman, and advised him that as a true Muslim he should resign himself to the will of God. _______PAGE 2_______ In the battle of the ditch, Uthman was in charge of a sector. The enemy made several attempts to cross the ditch in this sector. The vigilance of Uthman and his contingent frustrated the designs of the enemy. _______PAGE 3_______ After the battle of the ditch when a campaign was undertaken against the Jews of Banu Qainuqa, Uthman was in the forefront of the action. When the Jews were taken captive, and the question of the disposal of the slaves became a


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm Arba'a. 10th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Wednesday, 25th October, 2023). *_SOME MUSLIMS AND DISBELIEVERS ask "WHY ALLAH DOES PERMIT EVIL, HATRED and INJUSTICE ON EARTH?_*. BismilLah.    Let's continue from our reminder yesterday; Reward and punishment are definitely a part of the Next Life on a very permanent basis. We go through years of studies right? But within one month of exams if you fail, your many years of studies becomes useless till you resit, resit, to get it right, isn't it? That's someone's idea for you to achieve a certificate to make money that we will die to leave behind so why do we want to enter Paradise cheaply without efforts? Those who suffer in this life and seemly have nothing to show for all their hard works, good deeds and sacrifices and maintaining the faith can look forward to a far greater reward in a place where these things will not be temporary but rather they will be for eternity. Let'


 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 8)*                                    _______PAGE 1_______ In the battle of Badr the Quraish suffered a serious defeat. Seventy men of the Quraish were killed, and about seventy of them were taken as prisoners. Among those taken captive was Uqba 1' Abi Muheet, the man, Uthman's mother had married. Uqba had been in the forefront in his hostility to the Holy Prophet and Islam. While most of the other captives were released on ransom, Uqba on account of his crimes, was ordered by the Holy Prophet to be killed.  _______PAGE 2_______ Uqba wanted Uthman to intercede in his behalf, but Uthman refused to interfere on the ground that his crimes were too heinous to be forgiven. When Uqba was being led to execution, he asked the Holy Prophet,"Who will take


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 7)*                                                                                                      _PAGE 1_ The days of trials, tribulations and tortures were now over; in the new life at Madina the Muslims were set on the path of fulfillment To rehabilitate the immigrants from Makkah in the society of Madina the Holy Prophet established a fraternity among the Muslims from Makkah and the Muslims of Madina, hereunder each immigrant was paired with an Ansar of corresponding status. _PAGE 2_ The brotherhood thus established was unique in the annals of mankind. So strong and cordial were these bonds that they even surpassed the relationship of blood. The Ansars helped their immigrant brothers liberally. Uthman did not stand in need of a


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm Ath-thalaatha. 9th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Tuesday, 24th October, 2023). *_SOME MUSLIMS AND DISBELIEVERS ask "WHY ALLAH DOES PERMIT EVIL, HATRED and INJUSTICE ON EARTH?_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH says in the Qur'an that HE is Pure, Loving, and absolutely JUST in every respect. HE says HE is the BEST of JUDGES. HE also tells us the life we are on earth is a test. HE has created everything existing and HE authorises  whatever happens as well unless what we have choice and control of. There is nothing in this existence except what HE has created/ permitted or authorised. ALLAH says A brief enjoyment in this world and then unto HIM will be our return, then ALLAH shall make disbelievers taste the severest torment because they used to disbelieve [in ALLAH, belie HIS Messengers, deny and challenge HIS proofs, signs, verses, etc.] [Noble Quran 10:70]. That Day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown their deeds. So whoever


 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 6)*     _______PAGE 1_______ Umar saw the Holy Prophet, and complained against the conduct of Uthman. The Holy Prophet consoled Umar and said,"Umar, do not worry. Hafsa would get a better husband than Uthman, and Uthman would get a better wife than Hafsa". _______PAGE 2_______ Towards the close of the year 625, the Holy Prophet married Hafsa, and Uthman was married to Umm Kulthum the third daughter of the Holy Prophet. While still a child she was engaged to Utaibah a son of Abu Lahb, an uncle of the Holy Prophet. When the Holy Prophet declared his mission, Abu Lahb opposed him, and under his instructions his son Utaibah repudiated his engagement to Umm Kulthum. _______PAGE 3_______ When the Holy Prophet married Umm Kulthum to Uthman, he said to her,


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. YawmulAhad. 8th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Monday, 23rd October, 2023). *_ISLAMIC SOLUTION TO RESOLVING CONFLICTS CONTINUES_*. BismilLahir Rahmanir Raheem. Islamic scholars had developed a number of legal structures and institutions, using a variety of techniques to resolve conflicts amicably, and achieve peace based on their Knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah.  Among these are the following: 1. Appointment of a Justice of Peace (Qadi as Sulh) to oversee the processes of mediation, arbitration, and reconciliation to achieve settlement and peace. 2. Parties in conflict have the option of resolving their dispute through a Wasta or third-party mediator who would ensure that all parties were satisfied with the outcome. 3. Other practices could use tahkeem, or using intermediaries to represent the parties. These intermediaries should be able to represent the parties' position as clearly as possible to negotiate on their behalf, and guarantee that


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. YawmulAhad. 7th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Sunday, 22nd October, 2023). *_ISLAMIC SOLUTION TO RESOLVING CONFLICTS_*. BismilLah.  The Islamic precepts are meant to maintain peaceful, healthy, meaningful relationships with ALLAH and with all of humanity. This relationship is disrupted by conflicts, whether interpersonal, communal, national or international. Its restoration is essential for the sake of fairness and justice. Peace-building efforts work towards preventing an escalation of conflict and establishing a durable and self-sustaining peace. Peace is intimately tied with justice in its Islamic understanding. You cannot achieve one without the other. Legitimate grievances of the affected party must be addressed, if real and essential peace is to be achieved.  Here are some relevant verses from the Qur'an addressed to the Islamic community: "O You who believe! Stand out firmly for ALLAH, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatre


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 5)*                                                                                           _PAGE 1_ In Makkah, Uthman had to start his business afresh. The contacts that he had established in Abyssinia stood in good stead and the business of Uthman prospered. Although the number of the Muslims steadily grew, there was no relaxation in the persecution of the Muslims by the Quraish. The family of Uthman continued their pressure, but Uthman's faith in Islam was too firm to know of any wavering. _PAGE 2_ In the persecution of the Muslims, Uqba b Abi Muheet, the step-father of Uthman (the man his mother had married) was in the forefront. One day Uqba put his sheet round the neck of the Holy Prophet, while he was praying in the Kaaba, and


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm As-Sabt. 6th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1445AH (Saturday, 21st October, 2023). *_BEWARE OF ALLAH’S JUSTICE_*. BismilLah.  Some Muslims are asking why ALLAH is not helping or doing justice to the kuffar who are humiliating Muslims as HE did during the battle of Badr and also when the kuffar tried to destroy the Ka’bah. Let me remind all of us that,  ALLAH says in Qur'an 13:11, There are guardians over everyone, both before him and behind him, who guard him by ALLAH'S command “Verily, ALLAH will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to ALLAH)” (Quran 13:11). This is an important verse which indicates that ALLAH, may HE be blessed and exalted, in HIS perfect justice and wisdom does not change the condition of the people from good to bad or from bad to good, from ease to hardship or from hardship to ease, unless they


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 4)*                                                                                               _PAGE 1_ Because of his conversion to Islam, Uthman had to face another crisis. His wives refused to accept Islam, and Uthman separated himself from his wives. That was a matter of great grief for Uthman, but so great was his love for Islam that he felt no sacrifice too great in the cause of Islam. He felt distressed at the break up of his family life, but Islam was certainly more valuable for him. _PAGE 2_ The Holy Prophet of Islam was much impressed with the sacrifice that Uthman had made in the cause of Islam, and he married his second daughter Ruqayya to Uthman. In the days of ignorance Ruqayya had been engaged to her cousin Utba son of Abu


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 3)*                                                                                             _PAGE 1_ When Uthman came to Makkah, he came to know that Muhammad (peace be upon him) had declared his Prophetic mission. Uthman called on Abu Bakr, and they talked long about Muhammad (peace be on him). Uthman told Abu Bakr of the voice that he had heard while travelling in Syria. Abu Bakr told Uthman that he had taken the oath of allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him), and he advised Uthman to do likewise, for verily Muhammad (peace be on him) was the Apostle of Truth. _PAGE 2_ Abu Bakr took Uthman to the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet welcomed Uthman, and told him of his experience in Mt. Hira, the visitation of the angel Gabri


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 2)*                                                                                                          _PAGE 1_ Uthman enjoyed fame as one of the most beautiful men in Makkah. In his book History of the Caliphs, Jalaluddin Suyuti records on the authority of Ibn Asakir that Uthman was of medium stature, neither short, nor tall. He was of a comely aspect. His complexion was white with a yellowish tinge. _PAGE 2_ There were faint marks of small pox on his face, which instead of disfiguring the comeliness of his appearance, added to his beauty. He was full bearded, and the beard looked well on his face. The locks of the hair of his head fell below his ears. He was large of limbs, broad between the shoulders; fleshy in the thighs,; and lon