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 Muslims Till Death, [21/03/2024, 21:56]

[Posted by Faruk]
ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 60)*                                                                                                      

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If this somewhat lengthy letter is studied analytically it will be seen that Uthman did not appeal to the Muslims to come to his aid. There is nothing in the letter to incite the Muslims to violence against the rioter. Uthman merely apprised the people of the situation. He was averse to civil war, and did not want any blood to be shed. He resigned himself to the will of God, and prepared himself to meet eventualities with a smiling face. It appears that the object of the letter was merely to exhort the Muslims to do their duty to Islam.
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The Muslims were required to fear God, to hold fast to the cord of Allah, to maintain unity in their ranks, to take lesson from history, to obey Allah, His Messenger and those in authority, and to suppress evils, discord and dissension. It appears that Uthman was concerned more with the welfare of the Islamic community than with his personal safety. The letter was read by Abdullah b Abbas at the time of the pilgrimage. It is not known what was the reaction of the people to the letter. It seems that as no attempt was made to rally any support for Uthman, the people dispersed after hearing the letter.
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By the time Abbas returned from the pilgrimage to Madina, all was over, and Uthman was dead.

In his book Uthman, Taha Hussain has raised the issue why no help came from the provinces in time, when Uthman had made a formal appeal for help. Taha Hussain is inclined to the view that the people were tired of the long rule of Uthman, and they wanted a change. Taha Hussain has dropped hints that even Governors like Muawiyah who were devoted to Uthman deliberately delayed such help for political considerations.
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The letter which Uthman is reported to have sent to the provincial Governors for help, is to the following effect:

"All praise and glory is for Allah and His Prophet who showed us the right path. We were fortunate to be favored with Islam. Islam welded us into a single community. Islam gave us the message of unity. The Holy Prophet passed away after fulfilling his mission. After him his mission was carried by Abu Bakr and then by Umar. After Umar I was chosen as the Caliph. I never coveted the office, but when the people took the oath of allegiance to me, I felt myself under an obligation to administer the affairs of the State to the best of my ability.
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I performed the duties of my office conscientiously and during the earlier part of my rule, the people were satisfied. I allowed the people greater freedom, and more privileges. That was done in the best interests of the people. During my caliphate the people have become more prosperous. Instead of being grateful to me for my services to the cause of Islam, some people for some unknown reason have resorted to false propaganda and poisoned the atmosphere. I have made every possible effort to redress the legitimate grievances of the people.
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It is unfortunate that the malcontents do not come forward with any specific grievance. They make one demand today and make a contrary demand the following day without advancing any reason or argument. I have dealt with these people with due patience and forbearance, but their aim appears to be to subvert Islam by promoting disunity.

Muslims Till Death, [21/03/2024, 21:56]
[Posted by Faruk]
I warn the Muslims in general against the activities of these persons who wish to weaken Islam as a social and political force. In this crisis in the affairs of the Muslims I seek the cooperation of all who are devoted to Islam. He who can side with us may do so".
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If this letter is studied analytically, it will be seen that the letter is coached in general terms. There is nothing therein calling upon the supporters of Government to muster in strength and come to Madina for relief. In the accounts that have come down to us it appears that the Governors of Syria and Basra sent some relief forces, but that when they were a few stages from Madina they came to know that Uthman had been assassinated, and on coming to know of this tragedy they returned to their provinces.
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If these forces had come to fight for Uthman, there is no reason why they should have returned on coming to know of the tragedy. On the other hand such tragedy should have spurred them to violent action against the rioters. Apparently they had come in aid of maintaining law and order. When the Caliph had been killed it implied that thc law and order situation had become grave. In such context the responsibility of these forces was to rush to Madina to preserve law and order, and take the law breakers to task. The ttruth of the matter is that no force came from any of the provinces because Uthman wanted to avoid a civil war.
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It may be recalled that when Muawiyah had offered to send a contingent from Syria to act as a guard, Uthman had not accepted the offer, because he did not want any blood to be shed in the city of the Holy Prophet. It may also be recalled that when the slaves of Uthman volunteered to take up arms he restrained them from such action, and said, "He who does not take up arms is free". When Imam Hasan and some other persons sought the permission of Uthman to fight against the rebels, Uthman did not permit them to do so and asked them to retire to their houses.
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In this crisis, Uthman set the noble example of resignation to the will of God. He preferred to sacrifice his own life, rather than lead the people to civil war. The story that the provincial forces came late and returned when they came to know of the assassination of Uthman appears to have been invented by the party opposed to Uthman to create the impression that Uthman had become unpopular even in provinces where his relatives were the Governors. The memory of Uthman deserves to be cherished as a great soul who sacrificed his life in vindication of the principles for which he stood. May God have mercy on the soul of Uthman.
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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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