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 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Arba'a. 6th day of Jumaadal Awwal 1444AH (Wednesday 30th November. 2022). *_SALAAT IS OUR KEY TO PARADISE_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH has blessed us with a key to HIS Paradise. SALAH is the key. The Messenger of ALLAH sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "The key to Paradise is Salah.." (Tirmidhi 4) Imagine that out of the 24 hours ALLAH gave each of us day and night, HE asked us to dedicate just  10 minutes to each salaat totalling under 1 hour out of 24 hours for salaat SubhaanAllah but sadly, many Muslims fail to observe their daily prayers, which only takes a small amount of their time. If they only knew how dear prayer is to ALLAH. ALLAH loves prayers so much that HE guaranteed the one who established them Paradise. The Honorable Prophet said: "ALLAH, the Exalted said: I made five times' prayers obligatory on your people, and I took a guarantee that if anyone observes them regularly at their times, I shall admit him or her to Paradise


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Ath-thalaatha. 5th day of Jumaadal Awwal 1444AH (Tuesday 29th November. 2022). *_GOOD DEEDS THAT WILL LEAD YOU TO ALLAH'S PLEASURE_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH'S Pleasure is the ultimate goal of our worship of ALLAH. It is the Pleasure of ALLAH that will lead us to HIS Mercy and eventually to HIS Paradise. And speaking about ALLAH'S Pleasure, there is an effortless way to gain it. There are many ways to please ALLAH but let's consider this simple one by our beloved Prophet Muhammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam who said: "Verily, ALLAH is pleased with a servant who praises HIM when he eats or praises HIM when he drinks." (Sahih Muslim 2734). It is simple as thanking HIM every time you eat or drink. SubhanaAllah, there is a big reward to earn even in something so casual like eating and drinking. And what is greater than ALLAH'S Pleasure? Nothing, SubhanaAllah. *_May ALLAH keeps guiding us all and protects us from any satanic influenc


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum al-ithnayn. 4th day of Jumaadal Awwal 1444AH (Monday 28th November. 2022). *_HOW SHAYTAN BEAUTIFIES BAD DEEDS TO DECEIVE SERVANTS OF ALLAH_*. Bismillah.  Shaytan made the idea of eating from the forbidden tree appear attractive to Aadam alaihi Alaihi Salaam by giving it a beautiful and attractive name. He kept claiming to Aadam that the forbidden tree was 'the tree of eternal life,' and that eating from it would make him live forever in Paradise, or would make him one of the angels.  ALLAH informed us how sheitaan deceived Aadam alaihi Salaam in the following from the Quran. Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals (7):20] until Aadam obeyed Shaytan, and was subsequently expelled from Paradise. Shaytan may beautify a sinful action between a man and a woman to corrupt their souls. The Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said, 'Men are not tempted by anything more than women


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum As-Sabt. 2nd day of Jumaadal Awwal 1444AH (Saturday 26th November. 2022). *_RULINGS ON IMITATING NON-MUSLIMS_*. BismilLāhir Rahmanir Raheem. As Muslims, we must study our religion properly and ensure whatever we do is within the teachings of ALLAH and HIS Messenger or Consensus of Scholars as the Prophet certified. Any other ways of life can weaken our faith, corrupt it and eventually invalidate our shahaadah that we hold that certifies us as Muslims that's why ALLAH warned us not to follow or listen to non-Muslims or else they will deviate us into their disbelief and in the next verse ALLAH warned us not to live a life other than the teachings of the prophet and then the next verse warned us not to die as non-Muslims which means, imitating non Muslims by ignoring the sunnah can lead us into disbelief (Study Qur'an 3 Vs 100 going for all the above).  Imitating others is something that happens to humans. It is indicative of the great love of th

Summary of Suurah Al-Kahf.* Yes its long but Please don't miss reading through and share to others.

 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaumul Jumuat. 1st day of Jumaadal Awwal 1444AH (Friday 25th November. 2022). *Summary of Suurah Al-Kahf.* Yes its long but Please don't miss reading through and share to others. BismilLah.  Our beloved Messenger of ALLAH (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has said, Whoever recited this Suurat the manner in which it was revealed, it will serve for him as a light on the day of judgement and whoever recited the last ten verses will be protected from dajjal and also whoever memorise the first 10 verses will be protected from dajjal.  This Suurah has 4 stories,  1. The People of the Cave which talks about the trial of Religion. 18:22. 2. The Owner of the two gardens, which talks about the trial of wealth and children. 18:34 3. Muusah & Khidir, which is about the trial of knowledge. 18:82 And 4. Dhul Qarnayn, which talks about the trial of authority. 18:98 The first two deals with good companionship and knowing the reality of life which is calling to ALLAH. T

THE STORY OF JAFAR IBN ABI TALIB (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final )

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF JAFAR IBN ABI TALIB (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final ) _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... "We believed in him and what he brought to us from Allah and we follow him in what he has asked us to do and we keep away from what he forbade us from doing. "Thereupon, O King, our people attacked us, visited the severest punishment on us to make us renounce our religion and take us back to the old immorality and the worship of idols. "They oppressed us, made life intolerable for us and obstructed us from observing our religion. So we left for your country, choosing you before anyone else, desiring your protection and hoping to live in Justice and in peace m your midst." _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... The Negus was impressed and was eager to hear more. H


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Al-Khamis. 30th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Thursday 24th November. 2022). *_THE MOST EFFECTIVE GOOD DEEDS IN EXPIATING OUR SINS_* BismilLaah. The Messenger of ALLAH (blessings and peace of ALLAH be upon him) is reported to have said: “Muusah (peace be upon him) said to ALLAH: ‘O Lord, teach me something by which I may remember You and call upon You.’ ALLAH said: ‘Say: Laa ilaaha ill- ALLAH (there is none worthy of worship  but ALLAH).’ He said: ‘O Lord, all Your slaves say that, but I wanted something that is only for me.’ He said: ‘O Muusah, if the seven heavens and all their inhabitants and the seven earths, were (placed) in one pan (of the Balance) and Laa ilaaha ill-Allah was placed in the other pan, Laa ilaaha ill-Allah would outweigh them.”Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan (6218) and al-Haakim (1936). This points to the virtue of these great words that we should strive to say regularly and believe in it with our heart, without visiting any evil agen


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF JAFAR IBN ABI TALIB (r.t.a) (Episode 1) _____________*PAGE 1*____________ ✍🏻... In spite of his noble standing among the Quraysh, Abu Talib, an uncle of the Prophet, was quite poor. He had a large family and did not have enough means to support them adequately. His poverty-stricken situation became much worse when a severe drought hit the Arabian peninsula. The drought destroyed vegetation and livestock and, it is said, people were driven to eat bones in the struggle for survival. It was during this time of drought, before his call to prophethood, that Muhammad said to his uncle, al Abbas: "Your brother, Abu Talib, has a large family. People as you see have been afflicted by this severe drought and are facing starvation. ____________*PAGE 2*____________ ✍🏻... Let us

THE STORY OF HUDHAYFAH IBN al-YAMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 3 (final)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF HUDHAYFAH IBN al-YAMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 3 (final) _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... He was extremely happy and joyful and gave thanks and praise to Hudhayfah lived in constant dread of evil and corrupting influences. He felt that goodness and the sources of good in this life were easy to recognize for those who desired good. But it was evil that was deceptive and often difficult to perceive and combat. He became something of a great moral philosopher. He always warned people to struggle against evil with all their faculties, with their heart, hands and tongue. Those who stood against evil only with their hearts and tongues, and not with their hands, he considered as having abandoned a part of truth. ____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... Those who hated evil only


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF HUDHAYFAH IBN al-YAMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 2)   _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... From this time onwards. Hudhayfah was called "The Keeper of the Secret of the Messenger of Allah". Throughout his life he remained faithful to his pledge not to disclose the names of the hypocrites. After the death of the Prophet, the Khalifah often came-to him to seek his advice concerning their movements and activities but he remained tight-lipped and cautious. Umar was only able to find out indirectly who the hypocrites were. If anyone among the Muslims died, Umar would ask: "Has Hudhayfah attended his funeral prayer?" _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... If the reply was 'yes', he would perform the prayer. If the reply was 'no', he became doubt


 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF HUDHAYFAH IBN al-YAMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 1) _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... *”If you wish you may consider yourself among the Muhajirin or, if you wish, you may consider yourself one of the Ansar. Choose whichever is dearer to you”* With these words, the Prophet, peace be upon him, addressed Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman when he met him for the first time in Makkah. How did Hudhayfah come to have this choice'? His father, al-Yaman was a Makkan from the tribe of Abs. He had killed someone and had been forced to leave Makkah. He had settled down in Yathrib, becoming an ally (halif) of the Banu al-Ash-hal and marrying into the tribe. A son named Hudhayfah was born to him. _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... The restrictions on his returning to Makkah were eventuall

The Big Question: Who Made Us

 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Arba'a 29th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Wednesday 23rd November. 2022). *_The Big Question: Who Made Us_* BismilLah.  Unfortunately today, you find even some Muslims who ask the big questions: “Who made us,” and “Why are we here? Etc because of their scientific education” Most of us have been brought up more on science than religion, and to believe in the Big Bang and evolution more than ALLAH (Al-Haaliq, The CREATOR) is a disaster in your own life. Even if common sense is to be applied, Which makes more sense?  And is there any reason why the theories of science and creationism cannot coexist? The Big Bang may explain the origin of the universe, but it doesn’t explain the origin of the primordial dust cloud.  This dust cloud (which, according to the theory, drew together, compacted and then exploded) had to come from somewhere isn't it?.  After all, it contained enough matter to form not just our galaxy, but the billion other galaxies in


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS.  *_LET’S HOLD FIRM THE GIFT OF ALLAH_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH has blessed us with a tremendous gift. The gift of EEMAN. This tremendous gift is our KEY to every good in this world. And our salvation in the hereafter. But as we know well, EEMAN is not static. It increases when one does good deeds and decreases when one sins. It's a daily struggle a believer is engaged in to maintain his EEMAN high. There are many practical ways to increase our EEMAN. Today let's see one of the practical ways to increase our EEMAN. In a narration recorded by al-Bukhari (13), the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." This is vice versa for sisters too. Loving for your brother what you love for yourselves is a good sign of strong EEMAN. This shows that you have gotten rid of the selfishness that is nearly innate in humans. And imagine if all Muslims lived by this hadith,


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Ath-thalaatha. 28th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Tuesday 22nd November. 2022). *_NEVER GIVE SHARING AND REMINDING EACH OTHER ABOUT OUR DEEN_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH says in Quran  51:55-56 وَذَكِّرۡ فَإِنَّ ٱلذِّكۡرَىٰ تَنفَعُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ  And remind, for verily, the reminding profits the believers. meaning, for only the believing hearts, benefit from being reminded. Let's not forget that ALLAH created us for the purpose of worship and we cannot worship without knowledge that's why we must keep sharing the knowledge hoping that those with eemaan can benefit so that we can be rewarded for our part in promoting the truth.  ALLAH continued in the next verse that  وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالاِْنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ ALLAH Only created Mankind and Jinns to worship HIM Alone. So you can see that without reminding and advising, we cannot worship steadfastly. *_May ALLAH keeps guiding us all and protects us from any satanic influences_*. Aameen.


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaumul Ahad. 26th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Sunday 20th November. 2022). *_LET'S KEEP STRIVING TO BE RICH ON JUDGEMENT DAY_*. BismilLah.  ALLAH the Almighty says: “ Indeed, your LORD ALLAH does not do injustice, (even) as much as an atom’s weight. And if it is a good deed, HE will multiply it many times and will give a great reward out of HIS Grace.” (Quran 4:40) So any good deed, that gets accepted by ALLAH will go through two amazing stages: 1. ALLAH will multiply it at least ten times. 2. ALLAH will give a great reward for it. All of this is a huge surprise that awaits the believer on judgement day. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, do you want to be rich? Not in earthly belongings. No, for all that will vanish soon or later! Be rich in good deeds! We all have the same opportunity to earn great rewards every day by doing these easy good deeds. May ALLAH make us among those whom HE described as: “ On that Day, some faces will be joyful


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum As-Sabt. 25th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Saturday 19th November. 2022). *_HELPING EACH OTHER SINCERELY AS MUSLIMS_*. *BismilLah* Let’s remember that in the Quran, ALLAH the Beneficent regards Muslims as helpers, supporters, friends, and protectors of each other: ALLAH THE  “The believers, men and women, are Auliyaa’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another (Quran: At-Taubah, 9:71).  Our duty, therefore, is to be genuinely concerned about each other so that we can contribute to making life pleasant in this life and to help ourselves and others to prepare for life in the Hereafter. And to reach that end, we need to be vigilant in ensuring that Islamic teachings are implemented and followed correctly. This necessitates giving and taking correct advice and constructive criticism wherever required. None can claim to be more knowledgeable than the rest as such we must strive to advise each other sincerely purely for ALLAH's sake.

Friday Sermon] Real And True Love Is Loving Someone For Allah's Sake!

 [Friday Sermon] Real And True Love Is Loving Someone For Allah's Sake! By Imam Murtadha Gusau In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels and send His peace and blessings upon him—likewise upon his family, Companions, and true followers. Dear brothers and sisters! By saying I love you. What does that mean? I love you because you are my family, I love you because you are beautiful, I love you because you have money, I love you because you help me out, I love you because you are my tribe or we belong to the same language, I love you because we are from the same region, I love you because we belong to the same political party or I love you because we belong to the same organisation or sect? I ask, today, please, how many people actually love simply for the sake of Allah? Respected servants of Allah! Know that, love for the sake of Allah brings rewards y


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaumul Jumuat. 24th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Friday 18th November. 2022). *_NEVER BE TIRED SAVINGS WITH ALLAH_*. Aameen.  ALLAH says in Qur'an 57:7 ءَامِنُواْ بِٱللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ وَأَنفِقُواْ مِمَّا جَعَلَكُم مُّسۡتَخۡلَفِينَ فِيهِۖ فَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مِنكُمۡ وَأَنفَقُواْ لَهُمۡ أَجۡرٌ كَبِيرٌ  Believe in ALLAH and HIS Messenger and spend out of that in which HE has made you successive inheritors (wealth). For those who have believed among you and spent, there will be a great reward. Narrated Abu Hurairah [radhi-yAllahu 'anhu]: The Prophet (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Every day two angels come down from heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser."' Sahih Al-Bukhari, 2/1442.  Today is Juma'at, don't forget to read Suratul-Kahf. *May Allah accept it from us all.*  Aameen!

THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI (r.t.a) (Episode 3 (final)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI  (r.t.a) (Episode 3 (final)  _____________*PAGE 1*____________ ✍🏻... His appearance showed all the signs of the long and arduous journey. Umar, on seeing him, was astonished. What's wrong with you, Umayr?" he asked with deep concern. "Nothing is wrong with me, O Amir al-Muminin," replied Umayr. "I am fine and healthy, praise be to God, and I carry with me all (my) worldly possessions." "And what worldly possessions have you got?" asked Umar thinking that he was carrying money for the Bayt al-mal or treasury of the Muslims." _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... "I have my pouch in which I put my food provisions. I have this vessel from which I eat and which I use for washing my hair and clothes. A

THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI (r.t.a) (Episode 2)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI  (r.t.a) (Episode 2) ______________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... One of those in whose hearts was the disease of hypocrisy asserted: "The youth is a nuisance. He is bent on defaming someone who has been good to him." Others replied: "Not at all. He is a youth who grew up in obedience to God. The expressions on his face attest to his truthfulness." The Prophet, peace be on him, turned to Umayr and saw his flushed face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. Umayr prayed: “O Lord, send down a revelation on Your Prophet to verify what I have told him." Julas meanwhile continued to defend what he had said: _____________*PAGE 2*______________ ✍🏻... "What I have told you, O Messenger of God, is certainly the truth. If you wis

How to act with equity between the wives

 How to act with equity between the wives Question: A man married a woman, travelled to another country, and stayed there until he married another woman as well. He did not visit the first woman, and he stayed with the second for months. Then he came to the first one. Should the man spend the same amount of time with the first wife as he spent (with the second wife), or should he begin to apportion his time (between them)? Answer: The Sunnah when a man marries a wife, while he already has a wife whom he married before, is to stay with the second wife for three days if she is not a virgin and for seven days if she is a virgin. After that, he should begin to divide his time and act with justice between them. When he is absent from one of them, he must spend the same amount of time with her as he spent with the other one, if that is possible for him, unless the one with the right gives up her right or a part of it. Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts Fatawa Islamiyyah, Darussala


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Al-Khamis. 23rd day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Thursday 17th November. 2022). *_INGREDIENTS OF FAITH_*. BismilLah. Contrary to the common belief that faith is in the heart, I would like to state based on Quran and Sunnah that Faith is obligatory for all people, and it consists of belief in the heart that (there is none worthy of worship except ALLAH and Prophet Mohammed SallalLaahu alaihiWasallam is last and final Messenger), affirmation on the tongue by saying these words as we do in every salaat and in every gathering etc, and then physical actions (righteous deeds) such as the salaat, zakaat,  Fasting in Ramadhan,  Pilgrimage etc. A Muslim must have all these completely in their ways of life else you cannot claim to be among the ummah of RasuululLah sallalLaahu Alaihi Wasallam.  Moreover, you should understand that having knowledge and belief in the heart is not sufficient unless it is accompanied by a verbal affirmation of faith, and knowledge i


  THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Ath-thalaatha. 21st day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Tuesday 15th November. 2022). *_THREE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE ARE MENTIONED IN THE QUR'AN, WHICH CATEGORY ARE YOU?_* BismilLah.  Let's conclude on our topic above; CATEGORY 3. Al MUNAAFIQEEN, HYPOCRITES/2 FACED PEOPLE. (Baqarah Ayat 8 onward. This is the most dangerous category. A Munaafiq (Hypocrite) is a person who has not really believed but appears to be a Muslim; a munafiq conceals his enmity toward ALLAH, HIS Messenger and believers due to various reasons and his interest. (al-Baqara, 2/8). These are the people who claim they believe, but when they are alone, they don't believe. They even mock Islam and Muslims.  Characteristics of a Munaafiq: They are 2 faced, different in people and different when alone. When they sit with Believers they say they Believe in ALLAH and the Last Day, but when they are alone with Shaitan or in a different crowd, they say they are indeed with them. When