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 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum al-ithnayn. 20th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Monday 14th November. 2022). *_THREE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE ARE MENTIONED IN QUR'AN, WHICH CATEGORY ARE YOU?_* BismilLah.  Let's continue from yesterday's reminder; The second category is the Kuffar may ALLAH protect us from kufur.  The kaafir is the one who denies and conceals the truth. The basic meaning of the word kufr in Arabic is concealment.  Kufr is denial and concealment of the truth, such as one who denies that prayer, salaat is obligatory, that zakaah is not obligatory, that fasting Ramadaan is not obligatory, or that doing Hajj when one can is not obligatory, or that honouring one's parents is not obligatory, and so on, or one who denies that Zina is not haraam, or that drinking intoxicants is not haraam, or that disobeying one’s parents is not haraam, and so on. Its not only idol worship but acts against the teachings of ALLAH and HIS Messenger can lead you dying as a kaafir

THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI (r.t.a) (Episode 1)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF UMAYR IBN SAD al-ANSARI  (r.t.a) (Episode 1) _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... Umayr ibn Sad became an orphan at an early age. His father died leaving him and his mother poor and destitute. His mother eventually married again, to one of the richest men in Madinah. His name was Julas ibn Suwayd who was from the powerful tribe of al-Aws. Umayr was well looked after by Julas and loved him as a son would love a father. Indeed he began to forget that he was an orphan. As Umayr grew older, Julas fondness and love for him grew. Julas would marvel at the intelligence he displayed in everything he did and at the honesty and trustworthiness which characterized his behavior. _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... When he was barely ten years old, Umayr became a Muslim. Fait

THE STORY OF BARAKAH (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF BARAKAH (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final) ____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... On the way back to Makkah, Aminah became seriously ill with fever. Halfway between Yathrib and Makkah, at a place called al-Abwa, they stopped. Aminah's health deteriorated rapidly. One pitch dark night, she was running a high temperature. The fever had got to her head and she called out to Barakah in a choking voice. Barakah related: "She whispered in my ear: 'O Barakah, I shall depart from this world shortly. I commend my son Muhammad to your care. He lost his father while he was in my abdomen. Here he is now, losing his mother under his very eyes. Be a mother to him, Barakah. And don't ever leave him.' ____________*PAGE 2*____________ ✍🏻... "My heart was shattered and I

THE STORY OF BARAKAH (r.t.a) (Episode 1)

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF BARAKAH (r.t.a) (Episode 1)                                                                                     _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... We do not know precisely how the young Abyssinian girl ended up for sale in Makkah. We do not know her 'roots', who her mother was, or her father or her ancestors. There were many like her, boys and girls, Arabs and non-Arabs, who were captured and brought to the slave market of the city to be sold. A terrible fate awaited some who ended up in the hands of cruel masters or mistresses who exploited their labor to the full and treated them with the utmost harsh ness. A few in that inhuman environment were rather more fortunate. They were taken into the homes of more gentle and caring people. ____________*PAGE 2*_____


 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaumul Ahad. 19th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani 1444AH (Sunday 13th November. 2022). *_THREE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE ARE MENTIONED IN QUR'AN, WHICH CATEGORY ARE YOU?_* BismilLah.  ALLAH mentions 3 kinds of people in ‘The QUR'AN’, The Muttaqeen, The Kaafir and The Munaafiq. Which category do you fall into? Let's find out.  CATEGORY 1 : AL-MUTTAQEEN. THOSE WHO ADOPT TAQWA/ALLAH CONSCIOUSNESS​ (Al Baqarah 2-5). This is the category we all would want to fall under. These are those who are the most dearest to ALLAH, the most HIGH.  Characteristics of Al Muttaqeen (Those with Taqwa): They have eemaan on ‘Gaib’, The Unseen – i.e. Believe in ALLAH, the Angels, The Messenger, The Revelation, Quran, The Day of Judgement and Destiny. They establish five regular daily prayers: They spend in Charity from whatever ALLAH has given them – i.e. ‘Rizq’. Rizq is tangible and well as intangible, for eg, Children, food, ilm (knowledge), time etc. Everything is Rizq given b


*WHERE'S THE MAN II?* By: Abu Mazeedatilkhayr Bn Sa'eed Sex is suspended at the pre-marriage stage. But it occupies the prospective *couple's mind at solemnisation. The relationship is* consummated with it. There's hardly a marriage that can survive without sex! Sex is a sacred act. For us *Muslims, it's a religious act of worship, for the performer is* rewarded. It therefore deserves utmost respect, honour and careful indulgence. Hymen is a *symbol of chastity; it is the most honoured flesh of the* fragile being called a woman. But emotion is the dominant essence of the female. This is *probably what makes her inferior to her male counterpart* who claims to dominate with reason. Thus, a woman deserves to be nurtured. She deserves to be pampered. She is a pet, and *she deserves to be treated thus!* Even when you make love to her, you express the sexual love with compassion, so that she must equally derive her maximum *pleasure from the act, as you do. Islam has hono

THE STORY OF ZAYD al-KHAYR (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final )

 Muslims Till Death: ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF ZAYD al-KHAYR (r.t.a) (Episode 2 (final ) _____________*PAGE 1*_____________ ✍🏻... The above is a story of Zayd al-Khayl as he was in Jahiliyyah recounted by the historian ash-Shaybani. The books of Siyar give another picture of Zayd al-Khayl as he was in Islam . . . When Zayd al-Khayr heard the news of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he made some of his own enquiries and then decided to go to Madinah to meet the Prophet. With him was a big delegation of his people among whom were Zurr ibn Sudoos, Malik ibn Jubayr, Aamir ibn Duwayn and others. _____________*PAGE 2*_____________ ✍🏻... When they reached Madinah, they went straight to the Prophet's Mosque and tethered their mounts at its door. It happened that as they entered, the Prophet was on the mimbar addressing the