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SALĀH - 13 (Eid)

SALĀH - 13 (Eid)

The Eid Prayer has two rak'ah to perform in the normal way, with the only addition of six takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first rak'ah, and three of them just before ruku' in the second rak'ah. The detailed way of performing the 'Eid prayer is as follows:

The Imam will begin the prayer without Adhan or Iqamah. He will begin the prayer by reciting takbir of Tahrimah (Allahu Akbar). You should raise your hands up to the ears, and reciting the takbir, you give a little pause during which you should recite Thana' (Subhanak Allahumma.......)· After the completion of Thana' the Imam will recite takbir (Allahu Akbar) three times, and after reciting each Takbir (Allahu Akbar) in a low voice, you should bring your hands down and leave them earthwards. But, after the third takbir, you should set them at the level of your navel as you do in the normal prayer.

After these three takbirs the Imam will recite the Holy Qur'an, which you should listen quietly. The rest of the rak'ah will be performed in the normal way.

After rising for the second rak'ah, the Imam will begin the recitations from the Qur'an during which you should remain calm and quiet. When the Imam finishes his recitation, he will recite three takbirs once again, but this time it will be before bowing down for ruku'. At each takbir you should raise your hands up to the ears, and after saying "Allahu Akbar' bring them down and leave them earthwards. After these three takbirs have been called and completed, the Imam will say another takbir for bowing down into the ruku' position. At this takbir you need not raise your hands. You just bow down for your ruku' saying, 'Allahu Akbar'. The rest of the Salah will be performed in its usual way.


1. It is preferred to make the ghusl, perfume one's self and don one's best attire on the occasions of the two 'ids. ”

Ja'far ibn-Muhammad (RA) relates from his father on the authority of his grandfather who reported that the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) would wear a Yemeni cloak on every 'id. This is related by ash-Shaf'i and al-Baghawi.

Al-Hassan as-Sibt says: "The Messenger of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) ordered us to wear the best clothes we could find for the two 'ids and to apply the best perfume we could find and to sacrifice the best animal we could find." This is related by al-Hakim and in its chain is Ishaq ibn Barzakh whom al-'Azdi declares to be weak while Ibn Hibban says he is trustworthy.
Ibn al-Qayyim writes: "The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) used to wear his most beautiful clothes for them and he had a special cloak that he would wear on the two 'ids and Jumu'ah.

2. It is Sunnah to eat before going to the salah for 'idul fitr, (the end of Ramadan) but not do so on the occasion of the 'idul azha (commemmorating Prophet Ibrahim's sacrifice). For 'idul fitr, it is a sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before going to pray salatul 'id while for 'idul azha the eating should be delayed until one returns from the 'id prayers and then he may eat of his sacrifice if he has sacrificed an animal.

Anas (RA) reports: "The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) would not go out on the festival of breaking the fast until he had eaten an odd number of dates." This is related by Ahmad and al-Bukhari.
Buraidah (RA) reports: "The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) would not go out on the day of breaking the fast ('idul fitr) until he had eaten and on the day of sacrifice ('idul azha) he would not eat until he had returned [from salah]." This is related by at-Tirmizhi and Ibn Majah, and also by Ahmad who added: "And he would eat from his sacrifice." In al-Muwatta' it is recorded from Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab (RA) that the people were ordered to eat before they go out on the day of breaking the fast. Ibn-Qudamah (RA) said: "I do not know of any difference of opinion over the fact that one should hasten in eating [eat early] on the day of breaking of the fast."

3. Salatul 'id can be performed in the mosque but it is preferred to perform in a place outside the city as long as there is no excuse or reason to do otherwise (e.g., rain and so on) as the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) would pray the two 'ids in the outskirts of Medinah and he never prayed it in his mosque, except once and because it was raining.

Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that it was raining on the day of 'id, so the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) led them in salatul 'id in the mosque. This is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim, and its chain contains an unknown narrator. Al-Hafiz says in at-Talkhis: "Its chain is weak," and azh-Zhahabi asserts: "This hadith is rejected."

4. Indeed in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) women attended the Eid Salaah, however the practises of women for attending Mosque (adherence to rules of Hijab etc.) must be followed and practised.

Ibn 'Abbas (RA) says that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would take his wives and daughters to the two 'ids. This is related by Ibn-Majah and al-Baihaqi.

Ibn 'Abbas (RA) further reports: "I went out with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on the day of breaking the fast or of the sacrifice, and he prayed and gave a khutbah, and then he went to the women and admonished them, reminded them of Allah, and ordered them to give charity." This is related by al-Bukhari.

Aisha (RA) reports that women used to come to the Musjid completely covered in their sheets (Bukhari).
Zainub (RA), the wife of Abdullah bin Masood (RA), reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "If any woman attends the Musjid, she should not use any perfume" (Muslim)

It is reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was in the Musjid when a woman from the people of Muzaina who had adorned herself came into the Musjid. Upon this Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “O People, prevent your women from wearing attractive garments and walking proudly in the Musjid since the people of Bani Israeel were cursed because of this very action of their women (Ibn Majah)

Umm 'Atiyah (RA) reports: "We were ordered to go out with the single and menstruating women to the two 'ids in order to witness the good and the supplications of the Muslims. The menstruating women would be separate from the others." This is related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Imam Tirmidhi (RA) has recorded the narration of Umme Atiya (RA) in his famous collection of Hadith. She (RA) says: “We were ordered to go out with the single and menstruating women to the two Eids…” After quoting the statement of Umme Atiy'a (RA), Imam Tirmidhi (RA) quotes the statement of the great Muhaddith Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) who said: “I believe that in these times it is makrooh for women to go for the Eid Salaah to the Mussalla. If a woman insists on going, her husband should permit her to go in old clothes and she should not adorn herself. If she does not agree to this, he must prevent her…” It is also reported from Sufyaan Thawri (RA) that he regarded it as makrooh for the women to go to the Eid Salaah in these times (Jami Tirmidhi).

5. Most of the people of knowledge are of the opinion that it is preferred for a person to go to the salah by one route and then to return home through another route, regardless of whether he be the imam or a member of the congregation.

Jabir (RA) reports: "On the days of 'id, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would take different routes." This is related by al-Bukhari. Abu Hurairah (RA) says: "When the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) went to salatul 'id, he would return through a different route." This is related by Ahmad, Muslim, and at-Tirmizhi.

Note: It is permissible to return through the same route by which one goes to the musalla. Bakr ibn Mubashir says: "I used to go with the companions of the Prophet to the musalla on 'idul azha and on 'idul fitr, and we passed through a specific valley in Medinah until we came to the place of salah and prayed with the Messenger of Allah, and then we would return to our houses through the same valley." This is related by Abu Dawud, al-Hakim, and by al-Bukhari in his Tarikh. Ibn as-Sakin says that its chain is acceptable.

6. There is no Adhan or Iqamah for Eid Salah.

Ibn al-Qayyim (RA) writes: "When the Messenger of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) went to the musalla (place of prayer), he would perform the salah without any adhan or Iqamah and without saying 'as-salatu jami'ah' (prayer in congregation). The sunnah is not to do any of that." Ibn 'Abbas (RA) and Jabir (RA) both report that there was no adhan on the day of the breaking of the fast or on the day of sacrifice. This is related by al-Bukhari and Muslim. Muslim records that 'Ata (RA) said: "Jabir (RA) informed me that there is no adhan for the 'id of breaking the fast, neither when the imam arrives nor afterward. And there is no Iqamah or call of any kind."

Sa'd ibn abi-Waqqas (RA) reports: "The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) prayed salatul 'id without any adhan or Iqamah. He would deliver two khutbahs standing and would seperate them by sitting between them.' This is related by al-Bazzar.

7. There is no Salah before or after the Eid Salah

Ibn 'Abbas (RA) reports: "The Messenger of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) went out to the site of the 'id prayer and prayed two rak'at [i.e., the 'id prayer] without praying anything before or after it." This is related by the group.

It is reported that Ibn 'Umar (RA) did the same and he stated that this was the practice of the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam).

Al-Bukhari records that Ibn 'Abbas (RA) disliked that one should perform a prayer before salatul 'id. Concerning voluntary prayers at such a time, Ibn Hajar (RA) has stated in Fath al-Bari that there is no evidence to show that it is not allowed, unless it is at the times in which it is disliked to pray on any day.

8. Eid Salah consists of two Rakaats.

Umar (RA) reported, “The traveller’s prayer is two Rakaat, the Adha prayer is two Rakaat, the Fit’r (prayer of Eid-AlFit’r) prayer is two Rakaat, the Adha prayer is two Rakaat and this is their full length as came upon the tongue of Muhammad (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam). (Ahmed, Nasai)

9. There are six additional Takbeers in Eid Salah.

Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari (radhiallahu anhu) was asked regarding the number of takbeers that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to say in both the Eid salaahs. He replied: "He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to say four takbeers (in every rakaat), in the same way as he used to say the takbeers in the salaat al-Janaaza". Hazrat Hudhaifa (radhiallahu anhu) also confirmed this practice of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). [Abu Dawud, Hadith no. 1153]

Imaam Tirmidhi (RA) has also recorded several narrations of similar meaning from Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA) and other Sahaabah-e-Kiraam (radhiallahu anhum).

Note: There is some disagreement amongst the Scholars on the number oF additional Takbeers and the opinion in the Madhab of Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) is quoted, however the Imam leading the Salah should be followed. There is no disagreement on the occurrence and sequencing of this Takbeers and matter of disagreement is only on the number.

10. Make the intention for Salah, “I am performing Salatul-Eid for Allāh (Sub-haanahu wata'aala) with six (or any other number) additional Takbeers”

Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) has said, “Every action is based on Intention, and everyone shall have what he intended”. (Bukhari)

Note: Intention doesn’t need to be uttered verbally or loudly, it is an action of the heart. It has been stated previously that scholars have differed upon the number of Takbeers, therefore it is advised to use the appropriate number of Takbeers as specified by the Imam leading the Salah.

11. The prayer begins with the first Takbeer i.e. Takbeeratul-Ihraam followed by reciting Bismillah (softly).

Anas (RA) states, "I have performed congregational salaah behind Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Abu Bakr(RA), Umar (RA) and Uthmaan (RA) and I did not hear any one of them recite Bismillahir rahmaan nir raheem" [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 399]

Imaam Tirmidhi (RA) states that the majority of the Sahaba (radhiallahu anhum) also used to recite Bismillah softly.

12. Then Thana should be recited as in normal Salah.

Glory to Thee,0 Allah, and Thine is the Praise, and Blessed is Thy Name. and Exalted is Thy Majesty. and there is no other object of worship beside Thee

'Abda (RA) reported: 'Umar b. al-Khattab (RA) used to recite loudly these words: Subhanak Allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka [Glory to Thee,0 Allah, and Thine is the Praise, and Blessed is Thy Name. and Exalted is Thy Majesty. and there is no other object of worship beside Thee]. Qatada (RA) informed in writing that Anas b. Malik (RA) had narrated to him: I observed prayer behind the Apostle of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) and 'Uthman (RA). They started (loud recitation) with: AI-hamdu lillahi Rabb al-'Alamin [All Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds] and did not recite Bismillah ir- Rahman-ir-Rahim (loudly) at the beginning of the recitation or at the end of it. (Muslim)

Note: Scholars have explained that the loud recitation of Umar (RA) was for teaching and in reality it should be recited silently as the later traditions indicate.

13. The Imam will then recite 3 (or the number as practised by the Imam leading the Salah) additional Takbeers. ”

14. The followers will silently recite the Takbeer.

There is no evidence of the followers reciting the Takbeer loudly.

15. The followers will raise hands with each Takbeer and let them hang but on the last Takbeer fasten their hands as normal during Salah.

Ibnul Qayyim (RA) has reported that Umar (RA) with his strict adherence in following the Sunnah used to raise his hands with each Takbeer (Zaadul-Ma’ad 1/441)

16. There are no authentic supplications related from Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in between the Takbeers.

17. The Imam will then recite Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by another Surah and complete the Rakaat as normal.

18. The Imam will then recite Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by another Surah in the second Rakaat and then perform the 3 (or the number as practised by the Imam leading the Salah) additional Takbeers and followers will recite the Takbeer silently, raise their hands and drop it to the sides.

Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari (radhiallahu anhu) was asked regarding the number of takbeers that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to say in both the Eid salaahs. He replied: "He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to say four takbeers (in every rakaat), in the same way as he used to say the takbeers in the salaat al-Janaaza". Hazrat Hudhaifa (radhiallahu anhu) also confirmed this practice of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). [Abu Dawud, Hadith no. 1153]

Imaam Tirmidhi (RA) has also recorded several narrations of similar meaning from Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA) and other Sahaabah-e-Kiraam (radhiallahu anhum).

19. Imam will then recite the fourth (or the number as practised by the Imam leading the Salah) Takbeer and Salah will be completed as normal.

20. The Imam will then recite the Khutbah after Salah and the followers listen to it.

It is reported in Musnad Ahmad from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (RA), who testified that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed before the khutbah on Eid, then he gave the khutbah.” (Musnad Ahmad, 1905


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