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 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 39)*                                                                                          

November 2023. 11 Jumadal 1445 AH

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A violent battle took place outside the city which was not conclusive. The Muslims increased their pressure, and at last the Persian garrison surrendered. The peace terms agreed upon were ambiguous, and one of the terms agreed upon was liable to the interpretation that immunity was to be allowed to one man only. Availing of the ambiguity of the term when the Persians surrendered and laid down arms, all male persons except one were executed. Women and children were made slaves. Immense booty fell into the hands of the Muslims.

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The harsh treatment meted out to the people of Tamlisa struck terror into the hearts of the people of other towns and they lost the will to resist the Muslims

The Muslim forces thereafter overran Gilan and other parts of Tabaristan. Even the hilly tract which had not been conquered during the caliphate of Umar was brought under Muslim rule. Having reconquerd the whole of Tabaristan Saeed b A1 'Aas planned to march to Khurasan, but when he came to know that Ibn 'Aamir the Governor General of Basra was already in };hurasan, Saeed returned to Kufa.

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Ka'ab b Jamil wrote some verses in the honor of Saeed b A1 'Aas . He said:

"The bravery of young Saeed was notable; He overpowered the whole of Tabaristan; And that was a great feat; He even penetrated the hills, Heretofore inaccessible to the Muslims. He led a force of 80,000 warriors, And his efforts were crowned with success As a General and Administrator, He has surpassed his predecessors, Verily, he is a great man."

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Azarbaijan lay to the west of the Caspian Sea. 1ne region was so called because of the large number of its fire temples. During the caliphate of Umar when the Muslims overpowered Persia, as column of the Muslim force under Hudhaifa b Alyaman invaded Azarbaijan. The Muslim force marched to Jurjan, where the local garrison surrendered after some resistance.

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From Jurjan the Muslim force advanced to Ardbeei the capital of the province. The citizens did not choose to fight. They surrendered and agreed to pay the usual "Jizya".

Thereafter the Muslim force marched northward along the western coast of the Caspian Sea. In a confrontation at Bab, a port on the Caspian Sea, the Persians were defeated and the town was captured by the Muslims.

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After some time on the transfer of Hudhaifa, the people of Azarbaijan revolted, and they met some initial success As a consequence, the Muslims had to abandon the advanced posts in Azarbaijan.

Thereafter Umar sent two columns to Azarbaijan to recapture the lost territories. One column was led by Bukair b Abdullah while the other column was led by Utba b Farqad. The column under Bukair b Abdullah advanced to Jurmizan. Here a battle was fought against the Persians led by their chief Isfandiyar. The town was captured by assault, and Isfandiyar was taken captive.

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Thereupon the Persians took to the hills; and shut themselves in the hill forts. The Muslim column under Utba b Farqad clashed with the Persian force led by Bahram, a brother of Isfandiyar. The Persians were defeated. The Muslims once again became the masters of Azarbaijan.

Utba b Farqad was appointed as the Governor of Azarbaijan. He suppressed all revolts and restored law and order.

When Othrnan became the Caliph, Utba b Farqad was the Governor of Azarbaijan. Uthman made no change, and Utba b Farqad continued as the Governor of Azarbaijan.

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For military purposes Azarbaijan was included in the command of Kufa. When Walid b Uqba became the Governor General of Kufa he recalled Uqba b Farqad from Azarbaijan. With the withdrawal of Uqba b Farqad the people of Azarbaijan once again broke into revolt. Thus in the caliphate of Uthman the process of the conquest of Azarbaijan had to be taken up all over again.

The main military station commanding the region was Kufa where about 40,000 warriors were stationed. There were sub-stations at Rayy and Ardbeel where 6,000 and' 10,000 soldiers were stationed.

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Othrnan directed Walid b Uqba the Governor, General of Kufa to undertake military operations in Azarbaijan. Details of the operations are not available. In the source books the accounts are very brief and sketchy. It appears that Walid b Uqba made a two pronged attack on Azarbaijan. One column advanced to Azarbaijan from the side of Armenia under the command of Abdullah b Shabil b Auf Ahmsi. This column conquered Mauqan, Talisan, A1 Basira and a few other towns. The main Muslim army advanced to Azarbaijan under the personal command of Walid b Uqba.

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The rebels could not withstand the might of the Muslim force. One by one all the towns surrendered, and the Muslims once again became the masters of the whole of Azarbaijan. The Muslims amassed a good deal of booty. Peace was restored on the people of Azarbaijan undertaking to be faithful and loyal, and agreeing to pay an annual tribute of eighty lakh dirhams.

On the death of Umar, like the rest of Persia, Khurasan also revolted and broke away from the authority of the Muslims. Yazdjurd the Persian emperor made Merv his head quarters, and once again made preparations to measure swords with the Muslims and drive them out of Persia.

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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