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 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 42)*                                                    

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Sheeruya the regicide could hold the throne for a short period of six months only. He was succeeded by his son Ardsheer who also ruled for a short time. Thereafter there was a succession of some princesses. Their rule was also short-lived. In the absence of any other prince, Yazdjurd was discovered and crowned in 632 C.E. He was a young man of twenty-one at the time.

At the outset of his reign misfortune stalked the footsteps of Yazdjurd. He came to power at the time when the Muslims were poised to burst across the horizon, and embark on their career of conquests.

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In 633 C.E. the Muslims under Khalid b Walid conquered a greater part of Iraq then under Persian rule.

When Khalid b Walid was transferred to the Syrian front, the Persians were able to recapture most of their territories in Iraq. Under Umar, the Muslims once again launched the attack against the Persians. At the battle of Qadissiyia in 636 C.E. the Persians suffered a decisive defeat. This battle marked the beginning of the end of the Sassanian empire. Yazdjurd vacated Madain the capital of the Persians in Iraq. The Persians suffered another defeat at the battle of Jalula.

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Thereafter Yazdjurd fell back on Isfahan. The Persians met another reverse at the battle of Nihawand. This battle decided the fate of Persia and Yazdjurd. By 642 C.E. it was clear that the days of the Sassanian empire were numbered and it could not survive.

After the battle of Nihawand the Muslims advanced to Isfahan, and Yazdjurd left for Rayy. At Rayy he realised that the Governor was disloyal to him. With a few followers, Yazdjurd left for Persepolis.

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In 643 C.E. the Muslims invaded Fars, Yazdjurd left Persepolis for Kirman.

When the Muslims captured Kirman, Yazdjurd fled to Seestan. When the Muslims continued their pursuit and overpowered Seestan, Yazdjurd fled to Merv.

His overwhelming misfortunes made his people lose confidence in his leadership. The people of Merv wanted him to make peace with the Muslims and thereby save whatever little was left of the empire. To this course he did not agree. The people of Merv seized his treasure and drove him away from the city.

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Yazdjurd crossed the Oxus and sought refuge with the Khaqan of Farghana.

After the death of Umar, the Persians revolted against the Muslims and a greater part of Persia was lost to the Muslims. Availing of this opportunity, Yazdjurd with the help of a Turkish force reoccupied Merv.

In spite of the reoccupation of Merv, Yazdjurd was not able to have a firm hold on administration. Neizak Tarkhan was the strongest and the most powerful chief in Khurasan, and when Yazdjurd wanted to win him over to his side, Neizak demanded that Yazdjurd should marry one of his daughters to him. Yazdjurd considered such demand to be an affront, and he gave a rude reply to Neizak.

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Thereupon Neizak led a force against Yazdjurd. Mahrweih the Governor of Merv was won over by Neizak. When the battle was at its thickest, and the forces of the Shah appeared to have the upper hand, Mahrweih with a large detachment crossed over to the side of Neizak. That turned the tide of the battle. The forces loyal to Yazdjurd fought heroically, but they were outnumbered, and were soon overpowered.

When after his defeat, Yazdjurd wanted to retreat to Merv, he found the gates of the city closed against him. Abandoned by all, Yazdjurd fled to the countryside and sought shelter in a miller's hut.

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Yazdjurd sent the miller to the market to get some food for him. There he told some of the persons about his guest. The intelligence was carried to Mahrweih the Governor of Merv. He sent a small force to the miller's hut to cut off the head of the guest of the miller who was none other than Yazdjurd. When the force reached the miller's hut, Yazdjurd was identified, and the commander of the force ordered his head to be cut off. Yazdjurd pleaded in vain for mercy. His head was cut off and taken to the Governor. The headless body was thrown in the river Murghab. The dead body was found in the river by some Christian monks.

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They carried it to the Christian graveyard at Merv and buried it there. That was the end of Yazdjurd, and the Sassanian empire. Thus the prediction of the astrologers of the court of Chosroes Parwez was duly fulfilled.

When the Holy Prophet migrated to Madina, there was a considerable number of Jews there. They were wealthy, and commanded great influence as they controlled all trade. The Holy Prophet laid down the policy of "Live and let live" with reference to the Jews. He accordingly entered into a treaty of mutual cooperation and collaboration with them.

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According to the terms of the treaty, the Jews were to enjoy religious freedom and there was to be no interference .in religious affairs. The Muslims and the Jews were to be on friendly terms, and were to help each other in the promotion of objects of common interest. It was stipulated that the Muslims and the Jews would jointly defend Madina against any enemy from. Without. The Jews were not to give protection to the Quraish of Makkah, and in the event of any attack by the Quraish, both the Muslims and the Jews were to join hands in the defense of the city.

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The Jews knew that in their holy books, there were references to the advent of a prophet in Arabia. They were? however, under the impression that the expected prophet would rise from their midst. When the Holy Prophet rose from the ranks of the Quraish in Makkah, the Jews recognized in him all the signs of prophethood foretold in their sacred books. When the Holy Prophet came to Madina the Jews thought that he would be subservient to them, and would have to depend upon them. When the Holy Prophet followed an independent policy based on the supremacy of Islam, the Jews followed the policy of betrayal, and embarked on a campaign of ridicule and vilification.

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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