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*THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 43)*                            

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Only a few Jews accepted Islam. Even some out of them were hypocrites, whose object in accepting Islam was to disrupt Islam from within. Those Jews who did not accept Islam remained hostile to Islam at heart.

After the battle of Badr in 694 C.E. a dispute arose between the Muslims and the Jews of Banu Qainuqa. All attempts to settle the dispute peacefully failed, and the Muslims were forced to accept the challenge of the Jews. The Banu Qainuqa shut themselves in their strongholds, and the Muslims laid siege to their strongholds. The siege lasted for a fortnight, and then brought to bay, the Jews surrendered.

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The Muslims wanted to kill the Jews for their treachery, but on the intercession of Abdullah bin Ubayy, the Holy Prophet agreed to spare their lives but exiled them from Madina.

On the occasion of the battle of Uhud, the Jews of Banu Nadeer resorted to treachery. They entered into secret negotiations with the Quraish and even planned to assassinate the Holy Prophet. After the battle of Uhud, these Jews were asked to explain their conduct and when they could offer no satisfactory explanation they were served with an ultimatum of war. They accepted the ultimatum and shut themselves in their strongholds.

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After a few days they surrendered. They were required to leave Madina. They were allowed to take away whatever movable property they could except arms.

In the battle of the Trench, the Jews of Banu Quraiza acted treacherously. Their treachery was established, and they were given the ultimatum. Instead of appeasing the Muslims they chose to adopt an attitude of defiance. They were besieged, and they ultimately surrendered. An arbitrator was appointed to determine their fate. The arbitrator gave the award that in accordance with the Jewish law all male Jews should be killed, and all children and women should be taken captive as slaves.

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This award was duly executed. All Jewish slaves were purchased by Uthman. Most of these slaves accepted Islam and Uthman liberated them. It is reported that Uthman used to liberate a slave every Friday.

Even after expulsion, the Jews did not stop intriguing against the Muslims. After the Hudaibiya pact with the Quraish, the Jews of Khyber entered into conspiracy with some of the tribes to attack Madina. The Holy Prophet anticipated the move of the Jews and marched with a force to Khyber. The Jews were overpowered.

In the apostasy campaigns the Jews secretly aided the apostates, and incited the tribes who had accepted Islam to apostatize.

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The designs of the Jews were frustrated, and the apostasy campaigns ended in victory for the Muslims. Then under Abu Bakr and Umar the Muslims embarked on a campaign of conquests. Within a short time the Muslims were masters of Iraq, Persia, Syria and Egypt. That alarmed the Jews. The Jews were now no longer in the position to come in direct confrontation with the Muslims. They therefore changed their strategy, and instead of a direct attack on Islam they resorted to a campaign for the subversion of Islam from within.

The movement of the Jews for the subversion of Islam from within was spear headed by Abdullah b Saba.

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He was a Jew of Yemen. At one time the Jews had ruled over Yemen. The movement launched by Abdullah b Saba aimed at the restoration of the glory of the Jews by subverting Islam from within. Abdullah b Saba came to Madina and was converted to Islam. He posed as a champion of Islam, and pretended to live a life of piety according to the injunctions of Islam. He had considerable funds raised by the Jews at his disposal and this money he distributed among the poor. Within a short time Abdullah b Saba became popular with the Muslims.

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From Madina, Abdullah b Saba went to Basra.

There he stayed with Hakim b Jabala, a brigand. There he indulged in the propaganda that those who robbed the rich were not outlaws; they merely aimed at narrowing down the differences between the rich and the poor. He insinuated that as a matter of fact, the Government which depended upon the support of the rich was a tyranny. The common men came to feel that Abdullah b Saba was their well-wisher. Abdullah b Saba thus poisoned the political atmosphere at Basra. The Governor of Basra kept a watch on the activities of Abdullah b Saba. From the reports that he received it transpired that Abdullah was preaching doctrines which were very dangerous.

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The Government of Basra accordingly expelled Abdullah b Saba from the province of Basra.

From Basra, Abdullah b Saba came to Kufa. Here he pretended to lead a virtuous life and the people were attracted to him. In Kufa, most of the people favored Ali. Abdullah b Saba exploited this position in a subtle way. Addressing the persons who were pro-Ali, Abdullah b Saba said, "Every prophet has Wasi. Moses had his brother Aaron as his Wasi Similarly the Prophet of Islam had Ali as his Wasi. In the presence of the Wasi no one else had the right to the caliphate".

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By his subtle talks he exhorted the people of Kufa to rise to a man to overthrow Uthman and install Ali as the Caliph. In his talks he dwelt on the sins of omission and commission of Uthman. He observed that Uthman had imposed his near of kin as Governors in various provinces. He distorted facts, and even the good things done by Uthman were presented in bad light. Posing as a great Muslim -he would say, "Look here, Uthman calls himself as a Caliph of the Prophet, and yet he has burnt copies of the Holy Quran. There could be no sacrilege greater than that."

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He would further say: "O people, do you know what innovations in your religion your present Caliph has introduced. On the occasion of the Hajj, the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar offered only two rakaats of prayers, but he raised the number of rakaats to four. He has deviated from the precedent set up by the Holy Prophet, and has forfeited the right to be the Caliph. "He would multiply the list of such imaginary innovations, and sigh at subversion of Islam by the Caliph. Arguing in a crooked way he would say, "O Muslims, under the circumstances it is not for you to undertake Jihad across the borders of the Muslim dominions; the real Jihad lies against the Caliph who has played fast and loose with Islam".

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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