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 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 53)*                                           

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Have I not allowed free purchase and sale of land. Have I not promoted your freedom of speech and movement? Look to your Baitul Mall Does it not have more reserve than what it had previously? Look to the Prophet's mosque at Madina. Have I not extended it. Again look to the Ka'aba. Have I not extended or embellished it? Please let me know whether this is correct or not". And the people said that verily this was correct.

Uthman continued: "If all that I have said is correct is it not uncharitable on the part of some of the people to indulge in unfounded propaganda.

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If you make the head of your State the victim of false propaganda you weaken the solidarity of the Ummah. Our strength lies in our unity, and if any attempt is made to sow dissension among the Muslims we will be playing in the hands of the enemy. I therefore appeal to you to be just and fair. If you seek justice you must be just yourself. I assure you that if you have any legitimate grievance it will be redressed. On the other hand if you have no real grievance, but merely resort to frivolous allegations that will be neither in your interest nor in the interests of the State.

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Uthman said, "Now I will dwell on the various allegations that are afloat against me or my Government. I am criticized that on the occasion of the Hajj I offered four rakaats of prayers instead of availing of the concession of two rakaats in accordance with the precedent set by the Holy Prophet and my two predecessors. In this connection it may be borne in mind that the stipulated number of rakaats in such prayers is four, but in the case of exceptional circumstances the prayer can be shortened to two rakaats. Now such exceptional circumstances cannot last for all times. I have married in Makkah and I reside here for some time in a year.

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I therefore felt that I was no longer entitled to the concession of shortening the prayer. If four rakaats were enjoined and I had shortened them I could have been held guilty, but when I offer the full prayers, and do not avail of a concession meant for exceptional circumstances, what is the wrong that I have done. Again it is said that I have been guilty of sacrilege in burning some copies of the Holy Quran. Do you know what happened to the Holy Books revealed to other prophets. Their followers produced variety of versions, and in such diversity the original text was lost.

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I was anxious that the Holy Quran should not become a victim of such diversity. I therefore in consultation with the eminent companions had a standard text compiled, and destroyed all other texts, so that the integrity of the text should be maintained for all times. O Muslims I ask you in the name of God whether this was a service or a disservice to the cause of Islam?" Uthman paused for a reply from the people and they said, "Yes, O Caliph you have done a great service to the cause of Islam".

Uthman continued: It is objected that 1 have appointed young persons to high offices, and that most of the Governors are my relatives.

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In appointing young persons I followed the precedent set by the Holy Prophet. He appointed Usama a young man of seventeen to lead the expedition against the Byzantines. It is true that some of the Governors are related to me. As Caliph I am responsible for the administration of the entire country. I have therefore to appoint persons in whom I have full confidence. Whether a person is related to me or not is not the material thing. The material thing is: how far have such persons discharged their functions. Is it not a fact that as Governor Muawiyah is most popular in Syria? Is it not a fact that Abdullah b Sa'ad conquered the whole of North Africa?

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Is it not a fact that he was the victor of the battle of the Masts? Is it not a fact that Uqba's son Walid was most popular in Kufa during the first five years of his rule and I removed him when voices were raised against his rule? Is it not a fact as the Governor of Basra Abdullah b 'Aamir reconquerd the whole of Persia, and even carried the Muslim arms to Transoxiana? O Muslims be just and fair. How can you deny the achievements of these Governors in the cause of Islam, and merely condemn them because they are related to me? I assure you that I appointed them because I thought them to be the fittest persons.

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All of them came to my expectations and I maintain that I did not commit any wrong in appointing them as Governors. On the other hand Muhammad b Hudhaifa who was like a son to me wanted to be appointed to a post but 1 refused to do so, because I did not consider him fit to bear such responsibilities." Then Uthman paused and said, "Have I not narrated the true facts", and the people said, ~ Yes, you have stated the facts as they are..

Uthman continued, "It is said that I have reserved the pastures for my camels. This is incorrect. I have reserved the State pastures for State camels and that was necessary.

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It is objected that I recalled my uncle Hakam from exile. The fact is that the Holy Prophet exiled him, and then permitted his recall. It is objected that on the eve of the conquest of Makkah, Abdullah b Sa'ad was on the murder list, but I intervened on his behalf. It is true that Abdullah b Sa'ad was guilty, but he repented. Forgiveness is an attribute of God. On the occasion of the conquest of Makkah the Holy Prophet granted the Quraish general amnesty and in this context he forgave Abdullah b Sa'ad. Thereafter Abdullah b Sa'ad proved to be a staunch Muslim and he performed valuable services in the cause of Islam.

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Uqba's son Walid was certainly guilty of a lapse but the Holy Prophet forgave him. It is a tradition of the Holy Prophet that once a man is forgiven we have to judge him solely on the basis of his conclusion after such forgiveness. These persons have nothing to their discredit after they had been forgiven. It is uncharitable on the part of Muslims to condemn these persons for their conduct for which they have been forgiven. If previous misconduct is to remain alive what is the purpose of forgiveness?"

Uthman said, "I have had may say. Now I am prepared to listen to you.

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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