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 THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yawm al-ithnayn. 20th day of Jumaadal Awwal, 1445AH (Monday, 4th December, 2023). *_WE MUST STRIVE TO EARN PARADISE_*. BismilLah. 

Please note that "Every human is a slave. You're either a slave of your desires or a slave of ALLAH. You either live life by your rules or the rules of ALLAH.

How can the heart travel to ALLAH if it's chained by its desires of this temporary world? Sheikh Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah said

O' son of Aadam! Sell this World for the hereafter and you will win both, sell the hereafter for this world & you will lose both. Meaning if you stick to obedience to the CREATOR ALLAH you will benefit from this world and the hereafter but if you abandon ALLAH'S rules and follow as you wish, you loose both. 

Islam is not a buffet where you pick and choose what suits you. Don't obey your desires. Obey ALLAH.

"Imprisoned is he, whose heart is imprisoned from ALLAH. Captured is he, who is captured by his or her desires." 

Sheikh Fudayl Ibn Iyad was asked "What do you find the strangest of all things?" He said: The heart that knows ALLAH, yet still disobeys HIM.

Don’t miss Salaah for the sake of people or your job. You were born alone & will die alone, you’ll go to the grave alone & be questioned alone from the grave till on Judgment Day. ALLAH says;

الْأَخِلَّاءُ يَوْمَئِذٍ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ إِلَّا الْمُتَّقِينَ

Close friends, on that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous and ALLAH fearing..."[Surah Az-Zukhruf:67].

At Fajr you're asleep, Zuhur you're busy at work, Asr you're tired, Magrib you're watching tv, Ishai you're eating. You can dodge prayers, but not death.

We prepare for certain matters in our life like marriage etc but do we prepare for the one event that is definitely going to happen #Death?

The first thing a slave will be held to account for is Salaah. If we fall short on that, then we will fall short on what's to come

Expecting Paradise whilst neglecting Prayer, is like waiting for a train to arrive at the airport. 

Everyone dreams to be in Jannah, but ALLAH says:

لَّيْسَ بِأَمَانِيِّكُمْ 

paradise is not obtained by your wishful thinking [An-Nisa 4:123]. We are fun of saying Aameen loudly when we hear May ALLAH grant us Jannah, please note Jannah is not such cheap and Fat Aameen is not enough my dear. Eemaan and Action of doing good and forbidden evil is the main ingredients. 

"If you could hear the sound of the pens of the angels writing your name among those who remember ALLAH, you'd die out of joy." -Ibn Al-Qayyim

This Dunya Is Not A Resting Place, It's A Testing Place! #Earn Good Deeds!

Get used to a rough life, for luxury does not last forever. -Umar ibn Al Khattab.

Do not be overly pleased by easy times. Verily, gold is tested for its purity by fire. Likewise, a righteous servant is tested by tribulations.

It pains me to see born Muslims chasing the lifestyle of the disbelievers by drinking, clubbing, getting high, stealing etc.

Why do you think reverts run away from that life to the deen of ALLAH. Run back to your Lord for HIS mercy overcomes HIS wrath.

How long will the person be happy with his worldly life?..Knowing that his ultimate home is the grave"

No matter how beautiful your face is, you will still be the food of worms when you are buried. Set aside your arrogance & remember your grave. 

Every single limb & organ in your body will speak up & bear witness against every action you committed in this Dunya. ALLAH says

مَّا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ

Not a word is said except that there is a watcher by him ready to record it.” [Surah Qaf:18] This includes all that you posted on Facebook, WhatsApp etc.

Hijab includes the way a person walks, talks, looks and thinks. All of it should be done modestly and applies to both men and women"

My dear sisters in Islam. Cover up for the sake of ALLAH before its too late as today you are over the soil but tomorrow you WILL BE under it

Yes hijab doesn't necessarily indicate your level of piety BUT it is fard (a must). So regardless of what you say, you HAVE to wear it.

Make tawba (sincere repentance) not just for sins you've committed, but also for obligations you haven't fulfilled.” [Ibn Taymiyyah].

I pray that the comfort of our graves exceeds the comfort of our beds. 

*_We ask ALLAH سبحانه وتعالى to take our souls away when HE's most pleased with us and make us of those who are always conscious_*. Aameen.


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