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 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 52)*

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The people were apprised of these reports and they felt satisfied that there was no substance in the rumors that were being spread. The people of Madina felt concerned about the situation in Egypt. Abdullah b Sa'ad the Governor of Egypt reported about the activities of the seditionist in Egypt. He wanted to take action against Muhammad b Abu Bakr, Muhammad b Abi Hudhaifa and 'Ammar b Yasir. Uthman did not want Abdullah b Sa'ad to be harsh against these persons for whom he had great regard.

In view of the reassuring reports from Kufa, Basra and Syria, Uthman addressed an open letter to his subjects.

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He observed that he had deputed special emissaries to investigate into the rumors against the administration. These emissaries had made investigations on the spot, and their report was that on the whole the people were satisfied with the administration, and they had no particular grievance. Uthman added that his mission in Egypt had not been successful and his emissary had chosen to stay in Egypt and not to return to Madina. He was watching further develop meets in Egypt. He observed that he had never coveted the office of the Caliph, but when he had been made the Caliph he had to discharge the onerous duties of the office.

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He observed that as the Caliph he had taken pains to administer the State affairs in the best interests of the people according to the injunctions of Islam. He observed that while it was his duty to be just and fair, it devolved on the people to cooperate with him and not to be led astray by false propaganda. He wanted the people who had any grievance against the administration to assemble at Makkah on the occasion of the Hajj. He assured them that all their legitimate grievances would be redressed. He directed the Governors and the "Amils" of various cities to come to Makkah on the occasion of the Hajj.

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In response to the call of Uthman, the followers of Ibn Saba sent large delegations from various cities. They were thoroughly briefed and were armed with a catalogue of imaginary wrongs which they were requited to present before the gathering.

Uthman presided at the Hajj functions, and thereafter he addressed the people. After praising God and the Holy Prophet, Uthman said that he had summoned that meeting at the house of God to redress the grievances of the people, to foster accord between the people and the Government; and to remove misunderstandings if any. He said that of late some false rumors had been circulating against him and his government in a surreptitious manner.

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He said that Islam did not favor such underhand means. Islam stood for calling a spade a spade. He said that the object of the meeting was to promote a dialogue between the people and the rulers, and to take steps to redress the grievances of the people if any. He assured the people that he would espouse their just cause, and as such they should come forward with their grievances so that these could be redressed. He said that in view of this assurance on his part the underhand propaganda against the Government should cease for that was likely to undermine the integrity of the State.

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He wanted the people to be his witness that before assuming the caliphate he was one of the richest man. As such the caliphate could not be an office of profit with him. He wanted the people to say whether what he had said was correct or not. Thereupon the congregation said, "Yes O Caliph of the Holy Prophet, you are correct".

Uthman continued: "You know after the Holy Prophet Abu Bakr became the Caliph and after him Umar became the Caliph. During this period the Muslim dominions expanded, and the Muslim State was burdened with onerous responsibilities.

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Abu Bakr and Umar administered the affairs of the State with admirable skill. Thereafter the burden fell on me. I swear by God that I did not covet the office, but once I had been made the caliph, I had to discharge my functions. You know Umar was a hard task master. After him you wanted some relaxation. In contrast I followed mild policies. At the outset of my rule I increased the stipends of the people. I treated the people as my children, and my treatment was liberal and generous". Then Uthman paused and inquired of the people whether what he had said was correct. They answered, "Yes, we testify to your kindness."

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Uthman added, "You know after the demise of Umar there were revolts in Persia, and the Persians made a bid to overthrow the Muslim yoke. At one time we practically lost the whole of Persia. In this crisis your Government was not found wanting. We directed campaigns in Persia. The whole of Persia was reconquerd. Not only that but we extended the Muslim conquests. In the east we reached the borders of India. In the north we penetrated into Transoxiana and reached the borders of China. You know the Byzantines tried to reconquer Egypt and captured Alexandria.

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We drove them from the soil of Egypt. Thereafter we undertook campaigns in North Africa, and captured the whole of North Africa. Thereafter we crossed over Spain and established a foothold there. You know the Muslims had heretofore avoided wars on the sea. During my time the Muslims became a naval power for the first time. We conquered the island of Cypress. We defeated the Byzantines at the battle of the Masts. We conducted campaigns in Asia Minor and captured many Byzantine forts." Uthman paused and addressing the people said, " O ye people, swear by God whether what I have said is correct or not?"

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The people cried with one voice, "We testify that what you have said is correct".

Uthman further said, "Now O people look around you and say honestly whether you are not more prosperous than what were you yesterday. Look to Madina itself. Has it not expanded and is such expansion not an indication of the prosperity of the people. Are the people of Makkah not more prosperous than what they were in the past. Is there any man in the State who is starved. Previously the companions were not allowed to leave Madina. Have I not removed this restriction.

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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