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 ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE UTHMAN (r.t.a) (Episode 51)*                                                          

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Uthman gave his defense, but this did not make Ali change his views. On the other hand Uthman stuck to the view that he had done no wrong, and he had become a victim of false propaganda.

The differences between Uthman and Ali pointed to the fact that something had gone wrong with the Muslim polity, and that the Muslims were no longer a united community. Such disruption in the ranks of the Muslims forebode some catastrophe. That set Uthman thinking, and in order to overcome the crisis Uthman decided to summon a council of his Governors.

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The Council of Governors met at Madina. Uthman apprised them of his concern at the virulent propaganda that was being carried against the administration, and wanted their suggestions for overcoming the crisis. Abdullah b 'Aamir the Governor of Basra suggested that the persons responsible for making the propaganda should be sent to the borders for undertaking Jihad. Muawiyah suggested that the Governors should be authorized to suppress the sedition movements within their provinces. Abdullah b Saad proposed that the miscreants should be won over by the grant of favors.

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'Amr b Al 'Aas struck a different note. He had a personal grievance against Uthman because he had been deposed from the governorship of Egypt. He observed that there could be no improvement in the situation unless Uthman changed his policies, and instead of favoring his relatives appointed the right men to the right job. Uthman directed the Governors that they should adopt all the expedients they had suggested according to local circumstances. He exhorted the Governors to be just and fair, and redress the legitimate grievances of the people. They should, however, take stern measures against the seditionist.

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Uthman appealed to the people in general to remain united and maintain the integrity and unity of the Ummah. He said that the enemies of Islam were out to subvert Islam by creating dissension in their ranks, and they should be beware of the enemy. Those who wanted to create differences between the people and the administration could be no friends of the Muslims. Uthman took note of the criticism of 'Amr b Al 'Aas . He said that it was for the Caliph as Head of the State to appoint such persons to State offices in whom he had confidence, and if any person was deposed in public interest, he should not make such deposition a cause of personal grievance.

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He pointed out that in an Islamic state, high offices were mere burdens, and one should neither covet them, nor feel aggrieved when deprived of any of such office. He added that he had never coveted the caliphate, but once he had been made the Caliph there was no option with him but to discharge the onerous duties of the office according to the best of his ability. He assured all concerned that it would be his endeavor to redress the legitimate grievances of the people. He pointed out that at the same time it was the duty of the people not to indulge in false propaganda or lend ear to what was mere hearsay.

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In spite of the good intentions on the part of Uthman and his Governors there was no diminution in the vilification campaign. The seditionist worked underground. They did not bring forward any specific grievance which the administration could redress; they merely tried to poison the atmosphere by spreading false rumors. The Holy Prophet had an official ring which was used for the authentication of official documents. After the Holy Prophet this seal was held by Abu Bakr, and then by Umar. When Uthman became the Caliph he inherited the ring.

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In order to augment water supply for the citizens of Madina, Uthman had a well dug, Arees by name. One day as Uthman was supervising the digging operations the official ring fell from his finger, and was dropped in the well. Every effort was made to salvage the ring from the well, but all such efforts proved abortive. This loss of the ring was made the subject-matter of propaganda against Uthman. It was made out that the Holy Prophet had withdrawn his favor from Uthman, and a person who no longer enjoyed the favor of the Holy Prophet had no right to be the Caliph.

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Currency was given to many other fictitious stories of the so-called waywardness of Uthman and his government. No body could tell from where such stories emanated, but nevertheless they became the common talk of the people, and in the absence of any refutation, the people generally came to believe in the veracity of such rumors. The position became embarrassing and some of the companions suggested to Uthman that reliable agents should be deputed to various provinces to investigate the matter and report about the truth of such rumors.

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Uthman sent his agents to some of the main provinces to look into the various reports about the rumors. Muhammad b Miasma was sent to Kufa; Usama b Zaid was sent to Basra; 'Ammar b Yasir was sent to Egypt, while Abdullah b Umar was sent to Syria. These emissaries made thorough investigations on the spot; they addressed the congregations in the mosques and they interviewed the leaders of public opinion. On return to Madina the emissaries reported that all was well in Kufa, Basra and Syria. The people were satisfied with the administration, and they had no legitimate grievance against the administration.

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Some individuals here and there had some personal grievances of minor character with which the people at large were not concerned. 'Ammar b Yasir the emissary to Egypt, however, did not return to Madina. In Egypt IbnSaba, Muhammad b Abi Hudhaifa,and Muhammad b Abu Bakr were very active in their campaign of vilification against Uthman. 'Ammar b Yasir was influenced by their subtle propaganda. Instead of returning to Madina he chose to stay in Egypt and join the seditionist. The emissaries who had been deputed to Kufa, Basra, and Syria submitted their reports to Uthman.

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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-hadu an laaila Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. *We shall continue tomorrow on this same topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN


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