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the prophethood of the Messenger (g), his virtnes and some of the rights that he has over his Ummah.

the prophethood of the Messenger (g), his virtnes and some of the rights that he has over his Ummah. The reader will find examples of the ways in which Amir al-Mu'mineen 'Ali (&) followed the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as the names of some of those who narrated from Amir al-Mu'mineen 'Mi (&) among the Companions,

 the t&bi'oonl and the members of his household. The book then moves on to the life of Amir al-Mu'mineen 'Ah 

(&) in Madinah at the time of the Prophet (@). It discusses his marriage to as-Sayyidah Fiicimah (a) and the lessons we can learn from this marriage about the hGdal gift, trousseau, wedding celebration, life and asceticism, as well as Fiitimah's sincerity and 

leadership in this world and the hereafter. 

I have also included brief biographies of 'Ali's sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn (may Allah he pleased with them), mentioning their virtues and the hadiths that were narrated from the Messenger of Allah (g) - 2 concerning them. I discuss the concept of Ah1 al-Bayt (the people of the Prophet's family) among Sunni Muslims, and the rulings that apply specifically to them, such as the prohibition on their accepting zak&h ', 

the fact that they were not allowed to inherit from the Messenger of Allah @), their entitlement to one-fifth of the war booty, sending blessings upon them as well as upon the Prophet (B), and the obligation to love and respect them. 

I examine the exploits of Amir al-Mu'mineen 'Ali (4) in his 

campaigns and battles alongside the Messenger of Allah (g), such as Badr, Uhud, al-Khandaq (the Trench), Banu Quraydhah, - Hudaybiyah, Khaybar, the conquest of Makkah and Hunayn; 

how the Prophet (g) ., put 'Ali (&) in charge of Madinah dnring the campaign to Tabook in 8 AH; his media role3 when Abu Balcr (&) led the people on hajj; the delegation of the Christians of Najriin &d the verse4 in which the Christians are challenged to come together with the Prophet a,), bringing their fanlilies, to pray to Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great achievement [i.e. he will be saved from the hellfire and will be admitted to paradise1.B (Qur'an 33: 70-71) 0 Lord, to You be praise as befits the majesty of Your 

countenance and the greatness of Your sovereignty. To You be praise until You are pleased, to You be praise when You are pleased and to You be praise after You are pleased. This book is the fourth in a series on the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. 

The three books that were published previously are the biographies of Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq, 'Umar ibn al-KhattSb d- Farooq and 'Uthrn2n ibn 'Af& Dbun-Noorayn (may Allah be 

pleased with them all). This book encompasses the life of Amir al- Mu'mineen (Commander of the Faithful) 'Ali ibn Ab'i T%b (&) 

from his birth until his martyrdom. It begins with a discussion of his name, lineage, titles, birth, family and tribe. 

It describes how he came to Islam and his most important 

actions in Makkah, his migration to Madinah and how he lived under the influence of the Holy Qur'an and the impact it had on his life. 

It explains his concept of Allah (s), the universe, life, paradise, hell and the divine will and decree; the status of the Holy Qur'an in his view; what was revealed of Qur'an concerning him; the principles and fundamentals that Amir d-Mu'mineen 'Ali followed in deriving rulings from the Holy Qur'an and how he interpreted its meanings; 

and his interpretation of some verses. It tells how he stayed close to the Messenger of Allah (g) from his childhood; his deep knowledge of the statns of prophethood and how he interacted with it, as explained through his words and deeds. 

He was keen to teach the people and to encourage them to follow the example of the 

Messenger of Allah (g) in his words and deeds and what he 

approved of. He stated that it is obligatory to obey the Prophet (g) and to adhere to and preserve his Sunnah. He explained the proof of


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