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 Muslims Till Death:

ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE ABU BAQAR SADIQ (rta) (Episode 11)*

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Abu Bakr felt outraged at this blasphemy. In a fit of anger Abu Bakr slapped him in the face and said: "Were it not for the treaty between the Muslims and the Jews, I would have cut off your head, you enemy of Allah." Finhas went to the Holy Prophet and complained that Abu Bakr had struck him on the face. When put to explanation, Abu Bakr said, "This enemy of Allah spoke blasphemy. He alleged that Allah was poor and they were rich. At such insolence against Allah I could not control myself, and I hit him."

Finhas denied the charge leveled against him by Abu Bakr. A revelation, however, confirmed what Abu Bakr had alleged.
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Abu Bakr felt outraged at this blasphemy. In a fit of anger Abu Bakr slapped him in the face and said: "Were it not for the treaty between the Muslims and the Jews, I would have cut off your head, you enemy of Allah." Finhas went to the Holy Prophet and complained that Abu Bakr had struck him on the face. When put to explanation, Abu Bakr said, "This enemy of Allah spoke blasphemy. He alleged that Allah was poor and they were rich. At such insolence against Allah I could not control myself, and I hit him."

Finhas denied the charge leveled against him by Abu Bakr. A revelation, however, confirmed what Abu Bakr had alleged.
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According to the revelation it was said that Allah had heard the speech of those who had said that Allah was poor and they were rich. About Abu Bakr's anger, the following verses were revealed: "And you will certainly hear from those Who received the Book before you and from the polytheists much that is wrong, But if you preserve and fear God, That is the steadfastness of things."

In 622 C.E., the first year of the Hegira the Holy Prophet sent an expedition against the Quraish under Ubayda bin al-Harith. The Muslim force consisted of eighty persons including Abu Bakr. The Muslim force encountered the Quraish led by Ikrama bin Abu Jahl at some distance from Madina on the way to Makkah.
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Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas from the Muslim ranks fired an arrow shot against the Quraish. It was the first arrow shot in the cause of Islam. The Quraish did not choose to fight. They increased their speed, and escaped to Makkah.

The following verses composed by Abu Bakr on the occasion of the raid are on record: "Could you not sleep because of the specter of Salma in sandy valleys, And the important event that happened in the tribe? You see that neither admonition nor a prophet's call Can save some of Lu'ayy from unbelief; A truthful prophet came to them, And they gave him the lie, And said;
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You shall not live among us.' When we called them to the truth they turned their backs, They howled like bitches driven back panting to their lairs; With how many of them have we ties of kinship, Yet to abandon piety did not weigh upon them; If they turn back from their unbelief and disobedience (For the good and lawful is not like the abominable); If they follow their idolatry and error God's punishment on them will not tarry. We are men of Ghalib's highest stock From which nobility comes through many branches; I swear by the Lord of camels urged on at even by singing, Their feet protected by old leather thongs, Like the red-backed deer that haunt Makkah Going down to the well's slimy cistern;
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I swear and I am no perjurer, If they do not quickly repent of their error, A valiant band will descend on them, Which will leave women husbandless, It will leave dead men, with vultures wheeling round. It will not spare the infidels as Ibn Harith did. Give the Banu Sahm with you a message And every infidel who is trying to do evil; If you assail my honor in your evil opinion I will not assail yours”.

When the Muslims were duly settled in Madina, and the families of the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr had come to Madina, it was decided that the formal ceremony of the marriage of Ayesha the daughter of Abu Bakr to the Holy Prophet should be performed. Ayesha was now of age.
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The crisis of Islam was over. The Holy Prophet was no longer a persecuted person; he was now the ruler of Madina. The Holy Prophet needed a young lady by his side whom he could love. One day early in 623 C.E., the Holy Prophet accompanied by his companions went to the house of Abu Bakr at Sukh to seek the hand of Ayesha in marriage.

Ayesha has left an account of the wedding day in the following terms: "The Prophet of Allah came to our house where many of the companions were waiting. My mother brought me sitting in a litter on two poles. She made me descend; then she smoothened my hair, and washed my face with water.
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Then she led me to the door of the house where she stopped until I regained my composure. Then she took me to where the Prophet of God was sitting in our house, and made me sit near him saying, 'These are your people. May God bless them through you, and you through them'. The people then left, and the Prophet consummated the marriage while in our house."

After the marriage, Ayesha was assigned a separate quarter adjoining the mosque. Ayesha was handsome, intelligent and eloquent, and the Holy Prophet loved her intensely. The marriage brought Abu Bakr still closer to the Holy Prophet.
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There is a tradition that once a companion asked the Holy Prophet whom did he love most, and he said 'Ayesha'. 'And whom do you love next' asked the companion, and the Holy Prophet said 'Her father Abu Bakr'.

On account of the Holy Prophet's love for Ayesha many persons got jealous of her. One day one of the other wives of the Holy Prophet complained in strong terms against the favor shown to Ayesha. The Holy Prophet wanted Ayesha to hear the complaint and reply thereto. Ayesha replied with such force and eloquence that she won her case, Thereupon the Holy Prophet said "Do you see how eloquent Ayesha is, and what great force is in her arguments.
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She is after all the daughter of Abu Bakr. No wonder for her qualities she deserves to be loved."

One day Fatima the daughter of the Holy Prophet at the instance of the other wives of the Holy Prophet complained against the preferential treatment accorded to Ayesha. The Holy Prophet merely smiled and said, "My dear, wont you love the person whom your father loves?".

In 624 C.E. the Quraish of Makkah mustered a strong force, and decided to give the Muslims a battle with a view to crushing them. When the Holy Prophet came to know of the intentions of the Quraish he held a council of war at Madina.
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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-Hadu an laaila Ilan Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. * Tomorrow we shall continue on this topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN.


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