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 Muslims Till Death:

ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE ABU BAQAR SADIQ (rta) (Episode 14)*

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In the Muslim force that was mustered, Abu Bakr was the standard bearer of the Muhajireen. By forced marches the Muslim force reached Muraisi, where there was a spring from where Banu Mustaliq obtained their water supply. The Muslims cut off all communications by which other tribes could come to join Banu Mustaliq Banu Mustaliq were taken by surprise. They offered some resistance, but they lost heart and surrendered. In order to placate the tribe the Holy Prophet married a daughter of their chief Harith b Abi Dirar. Thereupon the entire tribe was converted to Islam.
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The success of Muslims against Banu Mustaliq was marred by an unfortunate incident which exposed the hypocrisy of certain persons who professed to be Muslim but were otherwise hypocrites. In the matter of the watering of animals there was a dispute between two persons one of whom was a Muhajir and the other was Ansar. The Muhajir invoked the help of the Muhajirs while the Ansar invoked the help of the Ansar. Thereupon Abdullah b Ubayye a Muslim hypocrite said: "On reaching Madina we will drive away the Muhajreen from our city. By God our and their case is like the saying of old 'Fatten your dog and he will eat you”.
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On hearing of this outburst of Abdullah b Ubayye, the Holy Prophet felt much annoyed but he suppressed his anger, and ordered an immediate return to Madina Some of the companions volunteered to cut off the head of the hypocrite. The Holy Prophet, however, remained silent. The son of Abdullah b Ubayye waited on the Holy Prophet and said, "I understand you are thinking of killing my father for his insolence. If some body else kills my father, it will be incumbent on me to rake revenge and kill his murderer, and thus one Muslim will be killed. If you are annoyed with my father and want him to be killed, command me, and I will kill him myself”.
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The Holy Prophet was impressed with the loyalty of the young man to Islam, and assured him that he contemplated no action against his father.

In 628 C.E. the jealousy of vested interests against Ayesha culminated in what came to be known as the 'ordeal of falsehood.' Ayesha had accompanied the Holy Prophet on the expedition against Banu al-Mustaliq. On the way back the army camped for the night and early next morning departed without realizing that Ayesha was not in the litter on the camel. She had gone to answer the call of nature where her necklace dropped and it was with some difficulty that she was able to locate the lost necklace. When she returned, the caravan had left.
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Ayesha wrapped herself and lay down. After some time a companion Safwan bin Mu'attal passed that way. He led his camel to Ayesha which she mounted. Safwan walked on foot leading the camel Ayesha joined the camp at the next stop. The interested parties made this simple incident the subject of scandal and calumny. Hamna daughter of Jahsh, and a sister of Zainab another wife of the Holy Prophet, Abdullah bin Ubayye the hypocrite, Mistah a relative of Abu Bakr whom he supported, and Hassan bin Thabit, the poet, were active in spreading the calumny. The Holy Prophet became cool to Ayesha and she shifted to her father's house.

Her mother Umm Ruman said, "My daughter, take life calmly for it is seldom that a beautiful woman married to a loving husband, having rival wives, will not have problems for them and other people."
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This incident created a great crisis for Abu Bakr and he was at a loss to understand what to do or not to do.

One day the Holy Prophet called at the house of Abu Bakr and said, "If Ayesha is guilty of what is said about her she should repent and ask for the forgiveness of God." Ayesha said, "I swear I shall never ask forgiveness for the thing you speak of, for if I admit, that will be an admission of what I have never done, and if I do not admit you will not believe me. At this some verses of Surah Nur were revealed to the Holy Prophet absolving Ayesha of the false accusation against her. The Holy Prophet recited the revealed verses and said, "Ayesha rejoice, for God has revealed to me your innocence."
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Umm Ruman wanted Ayesha to rise up and thank the Holy Prophet. Ayesha said, "I will never get up, in gratitude to him for I have no one to thank except God Who has declared me innocent”.

Ayesha next turned to Abu Bakr and said "Father would you not have pardoned me if there had been no revelation." Abu Bakr kissed her on the forehead and said, "What heaven would cover me, and what earth would carry me if I judged that which I could not know”. The Holy Prophet went to the mosque and told the people of the revelation. Those who had taken part in the calumny without any proof were punished.
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Mistah used to get an allowance from Abu Bakr, and in view of the part played by Mistah in the ordeal of falsehood, Abu Bakr decided to discount the allowance, and swore that he would no longer help Mistah. On this descended the verse: "*And let not those who possess dignity and affluence among you, swear not to give to kinsmen and the poor, and those who migrated for God's sake. Let them forgive and show forbearance. Do you wish that God should forgive you; And God is Forgiving, Merciful."*
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When this revelation was brought to the notice of Abu Bakr he said, "Yes, by Allan, I want God to forgive me." Thereupon he restored the allowance to Mistah.

In 627 C.E. the Muslims had to face the combined opposition of the Quraish and other tribes. The Quraish and their allies mustered a force ten thousand strong and marched to Madina. The Holy Prophet was advised that a face to face fight against such a large force was not possible for the Muslims, and the safest course for them was to remain on the defensive. lt was accordingly decided that a French should be dug round Madina for protective purposes.
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The entire Muslim community in Madina was turned to dig the ditch. When the Muslims dug the ditch, the following war song was on their lips: "By God, had not Allah guided us, we would not have seen the right path, or given Sadaqa nor offered the prayers; May Allah bestow on us confidence and calmness of mind; And make our steps firm to face the enemy. The enemy has risen against us, and he intends insurrection, but we refuse to submit. O God there is no welfare except that of the next world, shower Thy Grace on the Ansars and the Muhajirs."

The site for the ditch was demarcated by the Holy Prophet. He allotted ten yards of ditch to be dug by each party of ten persons. One of such parties was led by Abu Bakr.
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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-Hadu an laaila Ilan Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. * Tomorrow we shall continue on this topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN.


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