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 Muslims Till Death:

ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE ABU BAQAR SADIQ (rta) (Episode 13)*

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Hadrat Abu Bakr marched to the battlefield of Uhud a few miles outside Madina by the side of the Holy Prophet. Abdur Rahman the son of Abu Bakr fought on the side of the Quraish. Before the battle began, Abdur Rahman stepped forward, and threw a challenge to the Muslims to send some one to fight with him. Abu Bakr decided to accept the challenge. The Holy Prophet, however, stopped him saying, "Sheath your sword, and let us continue to profit by your wise counsels”. The Holy Prophet arranged his force in battle array and posted a small contingent of archers to guard a vulnerable passage in the rear. The archers were instructed that they were not to leave their positions without the instructions of the Holy Prophet.
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With the Quraish was a contingent of women. They beat drums and sang songs to excite the soldiers to action. They sang: "We are the daughters of the morning star; We tread on carpets, If you advance we embrace you; If you turn back we leave you."

The Quraish charged with full force, but the Muslims held fast. Then in the counter attack the Muslims broke the enemy's line, and the Quraish fell back. At this stage the contingent of the Muslim archers, contrary to instructions, left their position in order to plunder the camp of the retreating Quraish.
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Khalid b. Walid who was still a non-Muslim and was fighting on the side of the Quraish rushed with his contingent, and occupied the position vacated by the Muslim archers. The Quraish rallied and launched an attack on the Muslims both from the front as well as the rear. In the confusion that followed many Muslims were martyred. Even the Holy Prophet was wounded, and he fell in a pit where many of his followers lay dead.

When the Holy Prophet could no longer be seen at the battlefield a cry rose from the ranks of the Quraish that he was dead. That demoralized the Muslims. Abu Bakr was the first person to find the Holy Prophet lying wounded in a pit.
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With the help of other companions' Abu Bakr led the Holy Prophet to a place of safety.

Abu Sufyan the leader of the Quraish climbed a hillock and shouted, "Is Muhammad there?" The Prophet asked his companions to remain quiet. Abu Sufyan then called for Abu Bakr and Umar. No reply was made, and thereupon Abu Sufyan shouted, "All of them have been killed." At this Umar could not restrain himself, and said, "O enemy of Allah, we are alive”. Abu Sufyan in a mood of exultation cried "O Hubbal, glory to thee." Abu Bakr replied, "Only Allah is Most High and Great."
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Abu Sufyan said, "We have Uzza with us, and you have no lord." Abu Bakr retorted, "Allah is our Lord, and you have no lord."

When the two armies withdrew from the battlefield, seven Muslims lay dead on the battle field. In this battle the Quraish had the upper hand. They felt satisfied that they had avenged their defeat at Badr. It was really a drawn battle, for the Quraish were not in the position to press their advantage and march to Madina. They chose to return to Makkah. The Holy Prophet sent a contingent under Abu Bakr to follow the Quraish.
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Abu Bakr covered some distance, and when he saw that the Quraish were speeding to Makkah with all haste, he returned to Madina.

Banu Nadeer were Jews who resided at Madina.

Muhammad (peace be on him) entered into a pact of alliance with them. The Jews in spite of their pact with the Muslims resorted to intrigues. They opened secret negotiations with the Quraish against the Muslims. They deliberately mispronounced the sacred words of the Holy Quran in order to pervert their meanings. The Jewish poets wrote satirical poems against Islam and The Holy Prophet.
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On the invitation of certain tribes, the Holy Prophet sent them a party of seventy missionaries to teach them the precepts of Islam. Before these men could reach their destination they were waylaid, and martyred by the tribes of Banu Sulaym. Only one man Amr b Umayya escaped the tragedy of Bir Ma una. While returning to Madina, he met two men of Banu 'Amir, and thinking that they were enemies killed them. Banu 'Amir were however allied with the Muslims and Banu Nadeer, and the Muslims and the Jews had to pay the blood money of the two men who had been killed by 'Amr under a mistake.
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The Holy Prophet decided to pay indemnity to Hanu 'Amir. He along with his companions including Abu Bakr went to the quarter of Banu Nadeer, and asked them to pay their share of the indemnity in accordance with the terms of their alliance. The Jews expressed their readiness to pay their share. They made the Holy Prophet and his companions sit under a high wall, and deputed a Jew to throw a big stone on the Holy Prophet from the top of the wall. It was revealed to the Holy Prophet that the Jews meant mischief. Immediately he rose from his seat and left for Madina.

On this treachery of Banu Nadeer, the Holy Prophet served an ultimatum on them to leave Madina within ten days.
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Abdullah b Ubayya, the leader of the hypocrites asked the Jews to put up a fight against the Muslims and assured them of his help. After the expiry of ten days, the Holy Prophet mustered a force including Abu Bakr and marched to the quarter of Banu Nadeer. The Banu Nadeer shut themselves in their strongholds, and waited for help from the hypocrites. No help came and after a fortnight, the Banu Nadeer surrendered, and asked for terms. They were asked to leave Madina, and could take away whatever movable property, other than arms, they could carry. They pulled down their houses with their own hands and left for Khyber. Whatever property was left by them was distributed among the Muslims.
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The Banu Mustaliq, a branch of Banu Khuza'a occupied the territory of Qadid on the Red Sea shore between Jeddah and Rabigh. In 527 C.E. news was brought to Madina that the Banu Mustaliq in alliance with some other tribes were gathering to make a raid on Madina. The policy of the Holy Prophet was that the Muslims should not lose the initiative in such cases, and should take such tribes by surprise. Another aspect of the policy was that action against individual tribes should be taken before they could effect an alliance.

In pursuance of this policy, the Holy Prophet decided to lead an expedition to Banu Mustaliq secretly and immediately.
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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-Hadu an laaila Ilan Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. * Tomorrow we shall continue on this topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN.


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