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 Muslims Till Death:

ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM WARAHMATULLAH WABARAKAATUHU . LET'S START TONIGHT'S EDUCATION. OUR TOPIC IS 👇.                                                                            *THE STORY OF CALIPHATE ABU BAQAR SADIQ (rta) (Episode 16)*

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The Muslims encamped at Hudaibiya and here Urwa b. Masud came to see the Holy Prophet on behalf of the Quraish. He talked in diplomatic language, and tried to impress the Muslims that the Quraish were strong, and would not allow the Muslims to visit Makkah. He also insinuated that at the time of crisis the followers of the Holy Prophet were likely to abandon him Thereupon Abu Bakr flared up and said, "May God curse you, how dare you think that we will abandon the Holy Prophet. Rest assured we will fight to the last for him. " While talking, Urwa in the usual Arab way pushed his hand too close to the beard of the Holy Prophet.
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Mughira, a companion who stood near, warned him, "Keep your hands away from the beard of the Holy Prophet, for the hand that touches the sacred beard will be cut."

When Urwa returned to the Quraish he gave his impressions about the Holy Prophet and the Muslims in the following terms: "O people of the Quraish. I have seen kings but by God I have never seen any king as I have seen Muhammad amongst his companions If he makes his ablutions they would not let the water fall on the ground; if a hair from his body falls they pick it up. They will not surrender him for anything in any case, do what you please”.
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After some further negotiations a pact was executed between the Quraish and the Muslims. According to the treaty of Hudaibiya, truce was declared between the Quraish and the Muslims for a period of ten years. It was stipulated that if any tribe wished to enter into treaty with the Muslims it could do so, and whoever wished to enter into a covenant with the Quraish was likewise free to do so. It was provided that if any one from the Quraish came to the Muslims without the permission of his guardian he was to be returned to the Quraish. On the other hand if a Muslim sought refuge with the Quraish, he was not to be delivered to the Muslims.
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It was further agreed that the Muslims would withdraw that year without performing the pilgrimage, and that they would be free to perform the Haj the following year when they could stay in Makkah for three days.

Prima facie the Hudaibiya pact favored the Quraish, and some of the Muslims were critical of the terms of the treaty. Umar regarded the treaty as humiliating to the Muslims He saw Abu Bakr, and wanted him to persuade the Holy Prophet to withdraw from the pact. Abu Bakr said: "The Holy Prophet knows things more than we do. What the Holy Prophet has done is in the interest of the Muslims. Do not b critical, but hold fast to the stirrup of the Holy Prophet."
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Umar waited on the Holy Prophet, and gave expression to his discontentment with the terms of the treaty. The Holy Prophet assured him that whatever he had done was under the command of God, and the terms which appeared to be against the interests of the Muslims would turn out to their advantage.

Abu Bakr expressed his views about the treaty of Hudaibiya in the following words: "No victory of Islam has more importance than the treaty of Hudaibiya. Men are always for hurrying things on, but God lets them ripen. Previously there had subsisted a wall of partition between the Muslims and the rest of men; they never spoke to each other, and wherever they met they began to fight.
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Subsequently hostility died down and security and mutual confidence took its place. Every man of even moderate intelligence who heard of I lam joined us and in the twenty-two months in which the truce subsisted the number of conversions was greater than throughout the whole of the previous period, and the faith of Islam diffused itself in all directions among the people."

After having been driven away from Madina the Jews settled at Khyber The Jews were a cunning and crafty people, and they involved themselves in intrigues against the Muslims. The pact of Hudaibiya brought for the Muslims truce with the Quraish for a period of ten years.
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This meant that the Quraish could no longer openly aid the Jews against the Muslims. In spite of this situation there was no diminution in the hostility of the Jews against the Muslims, and they began to work for the formation of another coalition against the Muslims.

To forestall the evil designs of the Jews, the Holy Prophet marched to Khyber in 629 C.E. with a force of 1,400 Muslims The Jews shut themselves in their forts. Some of these forts were very formidable with frowning walls built of the living rock. The Jews had ample provisions, and there was no shortage of arms with them. On the first day the Muslims led the attack against the Jews under the command of Abu Bakr.
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The Jews remained locked up in their forts, and there was no confrontation. The following day Umar commanded the Muslim forces. The Jews remained shut in their forts and there was no fight. On the third day Ali commanded the Muslim forces. Surprisingly the Jews came out of the forts that day and fought in the open. In a hand to hand fight that followed the Jews Were overpowered and they sought terms. The Jews agreed to submit to the suzerainty of the Muslims, and to pay them one half of the land produce,

The battle of Khyber had far reaching consequences. It established the dominance of the Muslim in the Arabian peninsula.
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The Jews now became the subjects of the Muslim State. As the Quraish lost the support of the Jews, the battle of Khyber paved the way for the conquest of Makkah.

At Khyber, Zainab bin Harith a Jewish lady invited the Holy Prophet and his principal companions to a feast. Abu Bakr sat by the side of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet first took a morsel of meat, and after chewing it threw it out saying, "The meat is poisoned." Abu Bakr had so far held his hand but Bishr bin Bra, who sat next to the Holy Prophet on the other side ate a good deal of meat, and after a few moments he was dead.
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The feast ended in confusion. Zainab was put to explanation, and she admitted her guilt. She pleaded that she had poisoned the meat thinking that if Muhammad (peace be on him) was a prophet he would find that it was poisoned, and if he was not a prophet the world would get rid of him. Accounts of subsequent proceedings differ. According to one account, Zainab became a Muslim and was forgiven. According to another account she was beheaded.

Early in 629 C.E. on the occasion of the Hajj the Holy Prophet at the head of 2,000 Muslims including Abu Bakr proceeded to Makkah to perform the Hajj, in accordance with the terms of the Hudaibiya pact.
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End of Today's Education. Subhanakallahuma wabihamdik ash-Hadu an laaila Ilan Anta astagfiruka wa atuuubu ilayhi. Questions, Suggestions and problems are welcome privately. * Tomorrow we shall continue on this topic in sha Allah*. May HE strengthen and make us steadfast in faith. May HE accept our ibaadat and grant us the Good in this World and the Hereafter. May Allah Azza wa jalla forgive and grant us Jannah...AMIN.


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