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AR-RAHĪQ AL-MAKHTOUM (The Pure Nectar). A Treaties On Prophet Muhammad's Biography.* *Part 64

*AR-RAHĪQ AL-MAKHTOUM (The Pure Nectar). A Treaties On Prophet Muhammad's Biography.*

*Part 64*


In the season of hajj of the thirteenth year of Prophethood nearly seventy five Muslims came from Yathrib to perform the rituals of hajj along with their fellow polytheists countrymen in Mecca. Muslims wondered: "Till what time do we leave the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) to wander and be chased through the mountains of Mecca?"

When they reached Mecca, they had clandestine contacts with the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) and agreed to meet secretly and in the dead of night on the second day of Tashriq at the gulch of Al-'Aqaba where they would throw the pebbles at Minā. Now let one of the leaders of the supporters describe this historical meeting which changed the course of the conflict between Islam and paganism. Ka'ab Ibn Mālik Al-Ansāry said: "We travelled to Mecca to perform Hajj and agreed to meet the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) at Al-'Aqaba on the second day of Tashriq. On the same night when we would meet the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) we took with us 'Abdullāh Ibn 'Amr Ibn Harām Abu Jābir, one of our prominent leaders and notables said to him: "You are one of our leaders and dignitaries. We want you to renounce your polytheism, for we fear that you might be as wood for Hell in the Hereafter." Then we invited him to Islam and informed him that the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) would meet us at Al-'Aqaba. He embraced Islam and attended the meeting as a representative.

Ka'ab added: "We slept that night with our fellow tribesmen. When the first third of the night passed, we sneaked out of our tents to meet Allāh's Messenger at the gulch of Al-'Aqaba. We assembled there and numbered seventy three men and two women of ours, Nusaybah bint Ka'ab (Umm 'Umāra, of the clan of Māzin Ibn An-Najjār) and Asmaa bint 'Amr (Umm Mani, of the clan of Salamah). We waited for the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) till he came with his uncle Al-'Abbas Ibn 'Abdul-Mutallib (he was then a polytheist). He liked to attend the meeting of his nephew and establish it firmly. So he was the first one to speak."


After the two parties of the meeting attended, talks began to forge a religious and military alliance. The first one to talk was Al-'Abbas, the Prophet's uncle as he wanted to elucidate to them the serious responsibility they will shoulder as a result of their alliance. He said: "O community of Al-Khazrajj! Muhammad belongs to us as you know. We can protect him against one who attacks him. But he, in truth, receives protection from his people and enjoys dignity in his land. But he inclines to you. If you are sure you will fulfill your promises and protect him against his adversaries, go ahead with your task. But if you think that you will forsake him after he comes to you, then leave him alone now, for he will remain protected in his country." Ka'ab said to him: "We heard what you said. So speak, Allāh's Prophet and take for you and your God what you wish." (This reply refers to their firm determination, confident, courage and sincere readiness for carrying this considerable responsibility and enduring its consequences). After that the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) gave a statement and the pledge of allegiance was given.


Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal reported that Jābir said: "We said: To what will we pledge allegiance, Allāh's Messenger?" The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) replied:

1. To obedience at the times of activeness and laziness.

2. To spending money in prosperity and adversity.

3. To enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

4. To struggle in the cause of Allāh indifferent to the blame of critics.

5. To supporting me when me when I come to you (in Yathrib) and protect me as you do yourselves and families. And you will enter Paradise in return for that."

The last item is contained in the narration of Ka'ab transmitted by Ibn Is'hāq: "The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) spoke, recited the Glorious Qur-ān, preached us and said: "I demand your pledge of allegiance to protecting me as you do your wives and children." Thereupon Al-Barrā Ibn Ma'arur took the Prophet's hand and said: "Yes, Allāh's Messenger! By the One who sent you as a Prophet, we will safeguard you as we do ourselves and our wives. I swear by Allāh that we are experienced in wars." Ka'ab added: "While Al-Barrā was speaking to the Prophet, Abul-Haitham Ibnut-Taihān cut in: "O Allāh's Messenger! We have some relations with some people (namely, the Jews) and we will save them. Will you return to your people and leave us if we do so and Allāh grants you victory?" The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) smiled and said: "I do undertake myself to protect your blood and dwellings as I safeguard my life and dwellings. We should back one another. I fight whom you fight and make peace with whom you make peace with."


When talks were held about the terms of the pledge of allegiance and Muslims agreed unanimously to implement them, two men of those who embraced Islam in the eleventh and twelfth year of Prophethood wanted to emphasise the dangerousness of the responsibility and make sure of the extent of their readiness for self-sacrifice. Ibn Is'hāq said: "When the Muslims of Yathrib assembled to pledge allegiance to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him), Al-'Abbas Ibn Ubādah Ibn Nadlah said: "Are you aware of the requirement of such a pledge or allegiance you give the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him)?" They replied: "Yes, we are." He said: "You pledge yourselves to fight the enemies. If you should forsake him when your property is damaged by trials and your notables are killed, then do that now. But this will be shameful for you in this life and the next. If you resolve to keep your pledge with him and accept the exhaustion of your property and the killing of your nobles, then support him. This will be better for you in this life and the next." They said: "We will back him even if we will lose our property and notables." So what will be our reward for that if we fulfill our pledges, Allāh's Messenger?" The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) replied: "Paradise." They said: "Extend your hand." The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) extended his hand and they swore allegiance to him."

Jābir narrated: "When we began to pledge allegiance to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him), As'ad Ibn Zurāra grasped the Prophet's hand and said: "Take your time, people of Yathrib. We made a long and difficult journey on our camels because we know that he is Allāh's Prophet and that forcing him out will cause disagreement among all Arabs, claim the lives of your dignitaries and make you suffer the blows of swords. If you patience about this, support him and your reward will come from Allāh (Sub-haanahu wata'aala). If you are afraid for yourselves, leave him alone and you will be excused."


After endorsing the articles of the agreement, Muslims began to pledge allegiance to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) by shaking hands with him. Jābir said: "They (Muslims) said: "Move away your hand from us, As'ad. We will never relinquish this pledge of allegiance." Therefore As'ad made sure that his people were entirely ready for sacrifice and struggle. He himself was the first to give this pledge of allegiance. Ibn Is'hāq said: "The clan of An-Najjār claimed that Abu Umāma As'ad Ibn Zurāra was the first to shake hands with the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him). Then the general pledge of allegiance began." Jābir said: "We went to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) one by one giving him the pledge of allegiance." As for the two women, they gave their pledge of allegiance in words. The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) never shook hands with women.


After the Muslims of Yathrib swore allegiance to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him), he ordered them to choose twelve leaders from their people as representatives to guarantee the implementation of the terms of their agreement. The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) said to them: "Choose twelve representatives from among you to ensure that their people will commit to their agreement." Twelve representatives were immediately chosen, nine from Al-Khazrajj and three from Al-Aws. Here are their names:


1. As'ad Ibn Zurāra Ibn 'Adas.

2. Sa'ad Ibn Ar-Rabi' Ibn 'Amr.

3. 'Abdullāh Ibn Rawāhah Ibn Tha'alaba.

4. Rāfī Ibn Mālik Ibnul-'Ajlān.

5. Al-Barāa Ibn Ma'arur Ibn Sakhr.

6. 'Abdullāh Ibn'Amr Ibn Harām.

7. Ubādah Ibnus-Sāmit Ibn Qais.

8. Sa'ad Ibn Ubādah Ibn Dulaim.

9. Al-Mundhir Ibn 'Amr Khunais.


1.Usaid Ibn Hudair Ibn Simāk.

2. Sa'ad Ibn Khaisama Ibnul-Hārith.

3. Rifā'ah Ibn Abdul-Mundhir Ibn Zubair.

After selecting these representatives, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) put them under another binding agreement as responsible leaders by saying: "You work as sponsors to your people as were the disciples of Jesus, the son of Mary. As far as I am concerned, I am a sponsor of my followers (Muslims)." They said: "All right."


After making the pact, the people of Yathrib prepared to depart. But shortly before their departure, a demon detected the pact. It mounted a high place and called out: "You who live over there, do you want so and so a man and renegades along with him? They gathered to wage war against you." The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) said: "This demon is called Azabb who lives in Al-'Aqaba. You enemy of Allāh. I will have leisure to punish you." Then he ordered the people of Yathrib to depart with their camels.


Upon hearing the voice of the demon, Al-'Abbas Ibn Ubādah Ibn Nadlah said to the Prophet: "I swear by the One who really sent you that we can attack the inhabitants of Minā with our swords tomorrow if you wish us to do so." The Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) said to them: "But we are not commanded to do so. Just return to your luggage." They returned and slept till it was morning.


When this news reached the ears of Quraish, they became bewildered and dejected because they thought that this pact would pose a danger to their property and trade. So in the morning a delegation of Quraishite leaders headed for Yathrib to lodge a protest against this agreement. They said: "O community of Al-Khazrajj! It came to our knowledge that you came to Muhammad to ask him to leave his country and make a treaty with him to fight us. We do abhor any war that might beak out between us and you more than anything else."

As the polytheists of Al-Khazrajj had no idea about this pledge of allegiance, they said: "We swear that nothing happened and we did not learn of that." Then they went to 'Abdullāh Ibn Ubayy Ibn Salul who said: "This is wrong and impossible. My people never fabricated such a lie about me. If I had been in Yathrib, my people wouldn't have done that without asking my advice." As for the Muslims, they looked at one another and kept silent. Quraish's leaders believed polytheists and returned empty-handed.


Quraish came back almost sure that this news was inaccurate. But they continued scrutinising and verifying the news until they made certain that it was right and the agreement of allegiance was already made. After pilgrims returned to their homelands, Quraish dispatched its cavalrymen to pursue the people of Yathrib. But it was too late. They only watched Sa'ad Ibn Ubādah and Al-Mundhir Ibn'Amr and chased them. They arrested Sa'ad while Al-Mundhir managed to escape. They tied his hands and neck together with a bridle, beating and dragging him till they entered him in Mecca. Thereupon Al-Mut'am Ibn 'Adeyy and al-Hārith Ibn Harb Ibn Umayya intervened and rescued him. This was because Sa'ad used to safeguard their caravans which passed by Madinah. His fellow Supporters, when they sensed his absence, consulted with each other to return and rescue him. But, suddenly, he appeared and they all reached Madinah.

This pact is called Al-'Aqaba Major pledge of Allegiance. It was given in an air gorged with love, loyalty and cooperation, trust, courage and death defiance for the sake of truth. The believer of Yathrib sympathised with his coreligionist who was  persecuted in Mecca, sided with him and wanted to get revenge to his oppressors. His heart happened to be full of affection for his fellow coreligionist before they they met. These sentiments were not induced by a passing trend. They originated from their belief in Allāh, His Messenger and scripture. This belief never disappeared in front of the powers of aggression and oppression. It worked wonders over time. Moreover, this belief enabled Muslims to record great exploits and unmatched achievements.

*{To be continued In-sha-Allāh (If Allāh Wills)...}*

*"And keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers."* (Qur'an 51:55)


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