This is different from the others, the people of whims and desires and innovation who followed ways other than that of the Messenger (g).
This is different from the others, the people of whims and desires and innovation who followed ways other than that of the Messenger (g).
The beliefs of Ah1 as-Sunnah originated with the emergence of the Prophet's mission, and they are preserved by Allah (&) in His Book and in the Snnnah of the Messenger (SJ. On the other hand, some of the beliefs of the followers of whims and desires emerged after the time of the Prophet (g); some emerged at the end of the era of the Companions, and others emerged later than that. The Messenger &) ~. ,foretold that whoever of his companions lived long enough would see division and dissent. He said: "Whoever among you lives (long enough) will see a lot of differences."12 Then he told them to follow the straight path, which means following his Sunnah and the way of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and he wamed against newly invented matters, saying that they are misguided.
It is not rational to suggest that some pat of truth and guidance could he hidden from the Companions (may Allah he pleased with them) and saved for people who would come after them. All of those newly invented innovations are evil; if there had been any good in them, the Companions would have initiated them. Many of those who came after them indulged in these innovations and deviated from the way of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). Imam Maik (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "The last of this Ummah will never be sound except on the basis of that which made the first of this Ummah sound." Hence Ah1 as-Sunnah are named after the Sunnah, while others are named after false and deviant groups or after particular people.
The best way to bring people together is to explain the truth
and expose the falsehood and to hring the Shia closer to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (@), with the understanding of true Islam according to the Sunni scholars, primarily the jurists and scholars of Ahl al-Bayt, such as Amir al-Mu'mineen 'Ali (&) and
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