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AR-RAHĪQ AL-MAKHTOUM (The Pure Nectar). A Treaties On Prophet Muhammad's Biography. Part 187


*AR-RAHĪQ AL-MAKHTOUM (The Pure Nectar). A Treaties On Prophet Muhammad's Biography.*

*Part 187*


Ibnul-Qayyim said: "The Conquest of Mecca was the one by which Allāh (Sub-haanahu wata'aala) honoured his religion, Messenger (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him), soldiers and honest party. It was the one by which Allāh saved His Sacred House, whose guidance all people seek, from the polytheists. It was the one about which the inhabitants of the heavens were happy. It lit up the earth, as it made people embrace Islam in multitude.


Under Al-Hudaibiyya treaty, any Arab tribes had the choice to join any of the two parties. In addition, the two parties had the right to defend any tribe joining them in case of facing any aggression. Accordingly, Khuzā'a joined the Muslims, while Banu Bakr joined Quraish. Yet, the pre-islamic hostility between these two tribes was ignited once again. Banu Bakr decided to take revenge on Khuzā'a.

In Sha'aban, 8 A.H., Nawfal Ibn Mu'āwiya, along with a group of Banu Bakr made a raid on Khuzā'a at a place called Al-Watir at night. Quraish provided Banu Bakr with weapon and troops. Khuzā'a moved to the Holy Sanctuary to rescue their lives. Banu Bakr reminded Nawfal of the sanctuary of this place, but he paid no attention and encouraged them to take vengeance. Khuzā'a entered the house of Budail Ibn Warqaa and that of a master called Rāfī.

In the meantime, 'Amr Ibn Salim Al-Khuza'i hurried to Madīnah to inform the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) of what happened. He submitted his complaint in the form of poetry. Upon hearing the claim, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) promised to support them. Moreover, Budail, along with a group of Banu Khuzā'a went to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) to give him more details about the raid of Banu Bakr, and then returned to Madīnah.


Quraish, without a shadow of a doubt, and their allies unjustifiably breached the covenant with the Muslims; therefore, they expected horrible consequences. They held an advisory council that mandated Abu Sufyān to resume their reconciliation with the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him).

On his way to Madīnah, Abu Sufyān met Budail in 'Usfān and asked if he went to Muhammad (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him). Budail replied in the negative. Abu Sufyān let him go and examined the dung of his camel. He found pips in it and thus made sure that Budail went to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him).

Abu Sufyān headed towards the house of his daughter Um Habibah, the wife of the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him). He went to sit on the carpet of her husband, but she folded it up, saying: "This is the carpet of the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) and you are an unclean polytheists."

He went to the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him), but he was aware of his tricks and refused to speak to him. He asked Abu Bakr And 'Umar to intercede; yet they refused. He went to 'Ali Ibn Abu Tālib, begging him to mediate between him and the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him). However, 'Ali said: "Woe betide you, the messenger took a final decision and none of us can intercede to change it." He, then, asked Fātimah, the daughter of the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) and the wife of 'Ali, to mediate, convincing her that her son would be the master of Arabs, but she also declined. Feeling disappointed and bewildered, Abu Sufyān asked 'Ali for advice. 'Ali advised him to seek the help of people and then return to Mecca. Abu Sufyān went to the mosque and shouted at people, "I seek your help." Then, he mounted his camel and returned to Mecca.

When Abu Sufyān came to his people, he gave them more details about the Muslim reactions, but they told him that he failed in his task.

*AR-RAHĪQ AL-MAKHTOUM (The Pure Nectar). A Treaties On Prophet Muhammad's Biography.*

*Part 188*



According to At-Tabrāny, the Messenger of Allāh (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) ordered his wife 'Ā'ishah to make preparations for war against Quraish three days before receiving the news of breaching the covenant. When Abu Bakr came to visit him, he found these preparations. He asked his daughter 'Ā'ishah about the matter, but she told him that she had no idea. In the morning of the third day, 'Amr Ibn Salim Al-Khuza'i along with forty men came to the Messenger of Allāh (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him), telling him that Quraish violated the treaty. The news was confirmed when Budail came with his complaint and Abu Sufyān sought further reconciliation with the Muslims. The Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him), accordingly, asked his Companions to prepare themselves for the Conquest of Mecca, saying: "O Allāh! Don't let the spies of Quraish learn of our march or get the news till we have attacked them unaware."

Secretly, he dispatched eighty men, under the leadership of Abu Qatādah Ibn Rabī'ah, to Edhamm, a place in the vicinity of Madīnah, in Ramadān, 8 A.H. This company sent to deceive the enemies and divert their attention away from the main goal of the Muslims, that is, conquering Mecca. Later on, the detachment joined the Muslims in Mecca.

Hātib Ibn Abu Balta'ah sent a woman with a letter to Quraish, telling them that Muslims were sent to occupy their land. After receiving the news from the heavens, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) dispatched 'Ali, Al-Miqdād, Az-Zubayr Ibn Al-Awwām and Abu Marthad Al-Ghanawy to pursue her. They found her at the place the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) told them about. After long search, they found the letter in her locks.

The Messenger of Allāh (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) summoned Habīb to ask about his act. He said: "O Messenger of Allāh, I still believe in Allāh and His Messenger. I was prompted by the considerations that my family lives in Mecca and I have no relatives to protect them. Thus, I did so to earn their gratitude and save my family." 'Umar asked the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) to cut off his neck for selling out the Muslims. However, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allāh be upon him) said: "He participated in the battle of Badr. How did you know that he is a hypocrite? Allāh would look mercifully at the people of Badr, saying to them 'Do whatever you like; I have forgiven your sins.' Bursting into tears, 'Umar said: "Allāh and His Messenger know the truth." (Narrated Bukhāry). Accordingly, news about the Muslims' preparation for the conquest did not reach Quraish.

{To be continued In-sha-Allāh (If Allāh Wills)...}

"And keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers." (Qur-ān 51:55)


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