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By Shaykh Sōlih Al-Fawzaan

[Both Hady and Udhiyah are different types of sacrifices.]
[Many people are not even aware that when they come for Hajj and 
sacrifice that they are doing Hady and not Udhiyah].

*HADY:* refers to a legally edible grazing animal (i.e. either camel, cow or 
sheep) that is slaughtered at the sacred precinct in Makkah (only) and 
sacrificed for the Sake of Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He.

*UDHIYAH* refers to a legally edible grazing animal that is sacrificed at home 
on the Day of Sacrifice (10th Dhul Hijjah) or the Days of Tashriq (11th, 12th or 
13th of Dhul Hijjah) for the sake of attaining closeness to Allaah, and His 

There is an agreement among Muslim scholars with regards to the 
prescription of offering a sacrificial animal for the sake of Allaah.

Imâm Ibnul- Qayyim said: "Offering a sacrificial animal for the sake of 
Allaah, the Creator, is regarded as a sacrifice for one's own self as one's self 
tends to fall into ruin by sinning. Allah, Exalted be He, says, '...And for 
every [religious] community We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that 
they may mention the name of Allāh over what He has provided for 
them of [sacrificial] animals....' (Qur'ân: Al-Hajj: 34)
Moreover, the slaughtering of sacrificial animals and the shedding of their 
blood while mentioning the Name of Allah over them are legislated in all 

The best sacrificial animal to offer is a camel, then a cow, if they were 
sacrificed fully (by one person only), since it is more expensive and more 
beneficial for the poor, then after that, a sheep. 
The best animal to sacrifice from each type is the fattest, then the most 
expensive, as Allah, Exalted be He, says: "... And whoever honors the symbols (i.e. rites of Allah-indeed, it is from the piety of hearts." (Qur'ân: 
Al-Hajj: 32)

It is not sufficient to offer a sacrificial animal before it reaches the 
prescribed age for its slaughtering, which is six months for a sheep, five 
years for a camel, two years for a cow, and one year for a goat.

With regards to hady, a sheep or goat is sufficient to be offered on behalf of
 one person, whereas the udhiyah is sufficient for a man and his household.

As for a camel or cow, it is sufficient as hady or udhiyah on behalf of seven 
people according to the hadîth narrated by Jabir that states: "Allah's 
Messenger (solallahu alaihi wasalam) commanded us to slaughter a camel or a cow on behalf of 
seven (in the sacrifice)."

Abû Ayyûb (may Allah be pleased with him) also narrated: “In the lifetime 
of the Prophet (solallahu alaihi wasalam), a person used to sacrifice a sheep or goat on behalf of 
himself and his household; and they would eat (from it) and feed (others)."?
(Related by Aboo Daawood, Ibn Majah and At-Tirmidhỉ who deemed it 

*It is better to slaughter a single sheep or goat than to have seven persons 
share in slaughtering a camel or a cow. 

It is a condition that a sacrificial animal, whether hady or udhiyah, must be 
free from all physical defects, sicknesses or amputated limbs. Thus, it 
would not be sufficient to offer a skinny or a sick animal as sacrifice

Likewise, it would be insufficient to sacrifice a blind animal, a one- eyed 
animal, or a lame animal that can hardly walk. A mad animal, a toothless 
one, or a very old one with very small or dry udders, are not acceptable as 
sacrifice as well; the same goes for an animal which is obviously sick, for
Al-Bara Ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the 
Prophet (solallahu alaihi wasalam) said: "Four (types of animals) are impermissible to be offered as 
sacrifice: a one-eyed animal which has obviously lost the sight of one eye, a sick animal which is obviously sick, a lame animal which obviously limps, and an 
animal with a broken leg and no marrow" (Related by Abû Dàwûd and An-Nasäi)

*According to the most valid opinion, the optimum time for slaughtering a 
sacrificial animal, whether it is udhiyah or hady which is offered by one 
performing Hajj at-tammatu', is from after the Eid Prayer (on the 10th
DhulHijjah) until the last of the Days of Tashriq (the 13th DhulHijjah).

It is recommended for one to eat from the sacrificial animal one offers for 
hady for the one performing Hajj at-tammatu' or al-qiraan; or the sacrificial 
meat one offers for udhiyah; and he should give gifts from them and 
Its meat is divided into three parts since Allah, Exalted be He, says (which 
means): "So eat of them and feed (others)" (Qurän: Al-Haij: 28);
 so one 
third is kept by the owner, one third is to be given as gifts, and one third is 
to be given in charity.

As for a pilgrim who is doing the hady as an expiation (for missing any of 
the essential rituals of Haj or for committing something forbidden while in 
a state of ihrâm), he must not eat any of it at all (but distribute all of it to 
the poor).

If one wants to offer a sacrificial animal as udhiyah, one should not cut any 
of one's hair or trim any of one's nails from the first day of Dhul-Hijah until 
one offers the sacrifice, for the Prophet (solallahu alaihi wasalam) said: "When it is the 
beginning of Dhul-Hijah and anyone of you intends to offer a sacrificial animal as 
udhiyah, he should not take anything from his hair nor his nails until he offers it 
(the udhiyah) (Related by Imâm Muslinm)

In case one does (i.e. one has trimmed one's hair or nails), one must seek 
the forgiveness of Allah, but one is not obliged to offer anything in 
expiation in this case.



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