*Miraculous Stories*
------------------------------.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Precisely 7 months ago, Ahmad (someone i have never met or seen) called me on phone to seek for advice. It was a long discussion. I have never heard of a SINGLE PERSON passing through similar different tribulations in my life. Ahmad was the one talking in the cause of our conversation on phone, but i was the one shedding tears 😭 out sympathy. To cut the long story short, i gave him some advice and we ended the conversation.
Guess what!
Yesterday, the same person chatted me on WhatsApp. This is the good news he shared with me:
*"All the life challenges i discussed with you few months ago have vanished. Regarding my academic problems, i have passed the toughest of exams when i started praying for success in Tahajjud. However, there’s one moment that changed my life. It taught me that nothing is impossible for Allah (swt). Before your advice some months ago, i happened to be amongst those who question the logic of our dua, not knowing that, doing that actually doubt Allah's power and authority. 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with a disease which has no cure in conventional medicine. The pain was immense and my whole world came collapsing over my sick existence. That time, I knew life would end for me. For patients of this disease have no quality of life. However, after learning from you that medication is one thing and shifaa (healing) is another thing, and that shifa is only and only from Allah. So I prayed for shifa, day and night, in regular prayers, in tahajjud, in random moments. Alhamdulillah and MashaAllah!!! Allah (swt) have cured me of a disease which according to conventional medicine had no cure. Indeed! Shifa (healing) is only from Allah. Initially, I used to doubt it that, Dua changes Qadr and a dua made at Tahajjud is never rejected. It taught me that there’s nothing that Allah (swt) can not grant. Its us who lose faith, hurry for acceptance. Anyone praying Tahajjud and wondering and doubting their dua, hang in there. God bless you for putting me through"* 📚 Testimony from Ahmad
My people!
RasulAllah (PBUH) has been reported to have said: *“The two rakkats of Tahajjud are better than this world and all that it contains.”*. Also, there have been countless instances where Tahajjud saved people's life. Infact, it has always saved people's life. This is because Dua do get answered, miracles do happen. But only if prayed with complete trust in Allah (swt).
Imam Shafi said, *“A dua made at Tahajjud is like an arrow that never misses its target.”*
Everyone of us should keep making dua especially during Tahajjud time. Yes. Be reasonable in everything except Dua, ask for the impossible and be patient while asking. Allah (swt) is Al-Wahab, the Supreme Bestower.
'The Prophet (pbuh) said: *“O `Abdullah, do not be like so and so! He used to pray at night and then he stopped doing that”*(📚Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
If u have not yet set ur phone alarm in a repeating mode, to wake u up for midnight nawafil (at least 2 rakaats) everyday till the end of ur life, pls do so immediately. Yes. Allah (swt) loves consistency in any act of worship. And waking up everyday for Tahajjud is not something difficult.. Let assume you wake up by 2AM, use 3minutes to perform ablution, 2minutes to get dressed, 5minutes to establish ONLY 2rakaat nawafil, 5minutes to make Du'a to Allah.. Total time spent = 15minutes. *Everything In 15minutes,* then, go back to catch up with sleep.
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سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك نشهد ان لا اله الا انت نستغفرك ونتوابوااليك
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