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SIFAT SALAAT AN NĀBI ﷺ* *(The Prophet's Prayer Described From The Beginning To The End As Though You See It) Episode 21 Fajr Prayer



*(The Prophet's Prayer Described From The Beginning To The End As Though You See It)*

*Episode 21*

*Fajr Prayer*


He (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) used to recite the longer mufassal265

surahs266, hence "he (sometimes) recited al-Waaqi'ah (56:96) and similar

surahs in two rak'ahs".267

He recited from soorah at-Toor (52:49) during the Farewell Pilgrimage.268

Sometimes "he would recite soorah Qaaf (50:45) or similar [in the first


Sometimes "he would recite the shorter mufassal surahs, such as "When

the sun is folded up" (at-Takweer 81:29)."270

Once, he recited "When the Earth is shaken" (Zilzaal 99:8) in both

rak'ahs, so that the narrator said, "I do not know whether the Messenger

of Allaah forgot or recited it on purpose."271

Once, on a journey, he recited "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the

Daybreak" (Falaq 113:5) and "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of

Mankind" (Naas 114:6).272 He also said to 'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir (may Allaah

be pleased with him): Recite the mu'awwadhatain273 in your prayer,

for no seeker of refuge has sought refuge by means of anything

like them.274

Sometimes he used to recite more than that: "he would recite sixty

aayaat or more"275 - one of the narrators said, "I do not know whether

this was in each rak'ah or in total."

He used to recite soorah ar-Room (30:60)276 and sometimes soorah Yaa

Sin (36:83).277

Once, "he prayed the Subh [i.e. Fajr Prayer] in Makkah and started

reciting soorah al-Mu'minoon (23:118) until, when he got to the mention

265 The last seventh of the Qur'aan, beginning with soorah Qaaf (no. 50) according to the soundest view, as before.

266 Nasaa'i & Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad.

267 Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah (1/69/1) & Haakim who declared it saheeh and Dhahabi agreed.

268 Bukhaari & Muslim.

269 Muslim & Tirmidhi. It is given along with the next one in Irwaa' (345).

270 Muslim & Abu Daawood.

271 Abu Daawood & Baihaqi with a saheeh isnaad. And what is apparent is that he (`alaihis salaam) did it on purpose to

establish its validity.

272 Abu Daawood, Ibn Khuzaimah (1/76/1), Ibn Bushraan in al-Amaali & Ibn Abi Shaibah (12/176/1); Haakim declared it

saheeh and Dhahabi agreed.

273 lit. "the two by means of which refuge is sought", i.e. the last two surahs of the Qur'aan, both beginning "Say: I seek

refuge ... "

274 Abu Daawood & Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad.

275 Bukhaari & Muslim. 

276 Nasaa'i, Ahmad & Bazzaar with a good isnaad.

277 Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad.


of Moosaa and Haaroon or the mention of 'Isa278 - one of the narrators

was not sure - he started coughing and so made rukoo'."279

Sometimes, "he would lead them in Fajr with as-Saaffaat" (77:182).280

"In Fajr on Friday, he would recite as-Sajdah (32:30) [in the first rak'ah,

and, in the second,] ad-Dahr" (76:31).281

He used to make the first rak'ah longer than the second.282

Recitation in the Sunnah prayer before Fajr 

His recitation in the two rak'ahs of sunnah in Fajr used to be extremely

short283, so much so that 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleato say: "Has he recited soorah al- Faatihah or not ?"284

Sometimes, after al-Faatihah, he would recite the aayah "Say: We believe

in Allaah and the revelation given tous..." (Baqarah 2:136) in the first

rak'ah; in the second, the aayah "Say: O People of the Book! Come to

common terms as between us and you..." (aal-'Imraan 3:64).285

Occasionally, he would recite instead of the latter, "When 'Isa found

unbelief on their part..." (aal-'Imraan 3:52).286

Sometimes he would recite soorah al-Kaafiroon (109:6) in the first

rak'ah, and soorah al-Ikhlaas (112:4) in the second;287 also, he used to

say: An excellent pair of soorahs they are!288 He heard a man

reciting the former soorah in the first rak'ah, so he said, This is a slave

who believes in his Lord. Then the man recited the latter soorah in the

second rak'ah, so he said, This is a slave who knows his Lord.289

2- Zuhr Prayer 

"He (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) used to recite al-Faatihah and two

soorahs in the first two rak'ahs, making the first one longer than the

278 Moosaa is mentioned in aayah 45: "Then We sent Moosaa and his brother Haaroon, with our signs and manifest

authority. ;" `Isa is mentioned soon after in aayah 50: "And We made the son of Maryam and his mother as a sign -

we gave them both shelter on high ground, affording rest and security and furnished with springs. "

279 Muslim, & Bukhaari in ta`leeq.form. It is given in Irwaa' (397).

280 Ahmad & Abu Ya`laa in their musnads, and Maqdisi in al-Mukhtaarah.

281 Bukhaari & Muslim.

282 ibid.

283 Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad.

284 Bukhaari & Muslim.

285 Muslim, Ibn Khuzaimah & Haakim.

286 Muslim & Abu Daawood.

287 ibid.

288 Ibn Maajah & Ibn Khuzaimah.

289 Tahaawi, Ibn Hibbaan in his saheeh & Ibn Bushraan; Ibn Haajar declared it hasan in al-Ahaadeeth al-`Aaliyaat (no. 16).


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