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SIFAT SALAAT AN NĀBI ﷺ* *(The Prophet's Prayer Described From The Beginning To The End As Though You See It) Episode 29 Funeral Prayer



*(The Prophet's Prayer Described From The Beginning To The End As Though You See It)*

*Episode 29*

*Funeral Prayer*

"The Sunnah is to recite al-Faatihah359 [and another soorah] in it."360 Also,

"he would be silent for a while, after the first takbeer."361

Tarteel (Recitation in slow, rhythmic tones), & Making the Voice

Beautiful when Reciting 

He (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) used to recite the Qur'aan in slow,

measured rythmic tones as Allaah had instructed him, not racing or

hurrying; rather, his was "a recitation clearly- distinguishing each

letter"362, so much so that "he would recite a soorah in such slow

rhythmic tones that it would be longer than would seem possible."

He also used to say: It will be said to the reciter of the Qur'aan (on

the Day of Judgment), 'Recite and ascend; recite slowly and

rhythmically as you used to do in the previous world; your place

will be at the last aayah you recite.364

He "used to prolong his recitation (at a letter which can be prolonged),

such as at bismil-laah, at ar-rahmaan, and at ar- raheem"365, and at

"nadeed" (Qaaf 50:10)366 & their like.

He used to stop at the end of an aayah, as has already been explained.367

Sometimes "he would recite in an attractive vibrating tone368, as he did

on the Day of the Conquest of Makkah, when, while on his she-camel, he

recited soorah al-Fath (48:29) [very softly]369, and 'Abdullaah ibn

Mughaffal narrated this attractive tone thus : aaa."370

He used to command making one's voice beautiful when reciting the

Qur'aan, saying

Beautify the Qur'aan with your voices [for a fine voice increases

the Qur'aan in beauty]371 and

Truly, the one who has one of the finest voices among the people

for reciting the Qur'aan is the one whom you think fears Allaah

when you hear him recite.372

He also used to command recitation of the Qur'aan in a pleasant tone,

saying: Study the Book of Allaah; recite it repeatedly; acquire

(memorise) it; and recite it in a melodious tone, for by Him in

whose Hand is my soul, it runs away quicker than camels from

their tying ropes.373

364 Abu Daawood & Tirmidhi, who declared it saheeh.

365 Bukhaari & Abu Daawood.

366 Bukhaari in Af`aal al-`Ibaad with a saheeh isnaad.

367 In the section on "Recitation of one verse at a time".

368 Tarjee` -explained as a vibrating tone by Ibn Hajar; Manaawi said: "It arises from a feeling of joy & happiness, which

he (Sallallaahu `Alaihi wa Sallam) felt a good deal on the day of the conquest of Makkah."

369 Bukhaari & Muslim.

370 ibid. Ibn Hajar said in his commentary on"aaa (| | |)", "this is a hamzah with a fathah, followed by a silent alif,

followed by another hamzah." Shaikh `Ali al-Qaari quoted likewise from others and then said: "It is obvious that this is

three prolonged alifs."

371 Bukhaari as ta`leeq, Abu Daawood, Darimi, Haakim and Tammaam al-Raazi with two saheeh isnaads.

NOTE: This hadeeth was turned round by one of the narrators, who narrated it as "beautify your voices with the Qur'aan".

This is a mistake in narration and understanding, and whoever declared it saheeh is submerged in error, for it contradicts

the authentic explanatory narrations in this section. In fact, it is a prime example of a maqloob hadeeth, and the details of

this brief note are in Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah (no. 5328).

372 A saheeh hadeeth transmitted by Ibn al Mubarak in az-Zuhd (162/1 from al-Kawaakib 575), Daarimi, Ibn Nasr,

Tabaraani, Abu Nu`aim in Akhbaar Isbahaan and Diyaa' in al-Mukhtaarah.

373 Daarimi & Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad.


He also used to say, He who does not recite the Qur'aan in a

pleasant tone is not of us374 and

Allaah does not listen to anything as he listens (in some versions:

as he is listening) to a prophet [with a nice voice, and in one

version: with a nice melody] who recites the Qur'aan in a

pleasant tone375 [loudly].376

He said to Abu Moosaa al-Ash'ari (radi Allaahu 'anhu),

Had you seen me while I was listening to your recitation

yesterday! You have surely been given one of the musical wind-

instruments377 of the family of Daawood! [So Abu Moosaa said: "Had

I known you were there, I would have made my voice more pleasant and

emotional for you]."378

Correcting the Imaam 

He (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) set the example of correcting the

imaam when his recitation becomes mixed up, when once "he prayed,

reciting loudly, and his recitation became mixed up, so when he finished,

he said to Ubayy: Did you pray with us? He replied, 'Yes.' He said, So

what prevented you [from correcting me]?"379

Seeking Refuge & Spitting Lightly during Prayer in order to Repel


'Uthmaan ibn Abi l-'Aas (radi Allaahu 'anhu) said to him, "O Messenger of

Allaah! The devil comes between me and my prayer and confuses me in

my recitation!" So the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam)

374 Abu Daawood and Haakim who declared it saheeh and Dhahabi agreed.

375 Mundhiri said, "taghannnaa does mean to recite in a pleasant voice; Sufyaan bin `Uyainah and others took the the view that

it is to do with istighnaa (i.e. letting the Qur'aan make one dispense with worldly pleasures), but this is rejected."

376 Bukhaari, Muslim, Tahaawi & Ibn Mandah in Tawheed (81/1).

377 The scholars have said that musical instruments here means a beautiful voice and that the family of Daawood refers

to Daawood himself; the family of so-and-so can be specifically for so-and-so only; Daawood (`alaihis salaam) had an

extremely beautiful voice. This is mentioned by Nawawi in his commentary on Saheeh Muslim.

378 `Abdur Razzaaq in al-Amaali (2/44/1), Bukhaari, Muslim, Ibn Nasr and Haakim.

379 Abu Daawood, Ibn Hibbaan, Tabaraani, Ibn `Asaakir (2/296/2) & Diyaa' in al-Mukhtaarah with a saheeh isnaad.


said, That is a devil called Khinzab, so when you detect him, seek

refuge with Allaah from him, and spit lightly380 on your left three

times. He said, "So when I did that, Allaah caused him to go away from


380 Ar. tafl: to blow with a minimum amount of saliva - Nihaayah.

381 Muslim & Ahmad. Nawawi (Rahimahullaah) says, "This hadeeth contains a recommendation to seek refuge from the

devil when he tempts, along with spitting to the left three times."


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