*Millennium Star⭐* [[---- Part Twelve ----]] -------------------------------- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم After Harith (Juwayriya's father) accepted Islam, two of his sons who were with him and some people from his tribe also became Muslims. Then, the Prophet (pbuh) asked Juwayriya's father to marry her off to him. Harith said, “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! I have given her to you.” Thereupon, the Prophet married Juwayriya in the 5th year of the Migration. Juwayriya was 20 years old then. When the Companions saw that the Prophet (pbuh) married Juwayriya and became a relative of the tribe of Banu Mustaliq, they freed all of the slaves by saying, *“The relatives of the wife of the Prophet should not be kept as slaves.”* Thus, Juwayriya (r.a) caused 700 captives from her tribe to be freed. Besides, many people from her tribe became Muslims. Nana A'ishah (r.a) appreciated Juwayriya because of this. Juwayriya (r.a) performed fasting and praye
QUALIFICATIONS TO MARRIAGE In both (male and female) Bismillāhi Rahmaani Raheem. Marriage is a long term life span till death. Therefore, before everyone involve himself or herself into Marriage, they must prepare well and make sure they *qualify* to marry. If you are among the below list points, then you do not *qualify to get Marriage* This was explained by one *Sheik* and he says:... 1️⃣ AGE: Scholars agreed that, Islam do not have specific age that qualifies one for marriage. The most important is that, in females; if the female child experience *her first menstruation* and well capable of having intercourse and bear a baby; then she can be married to a male. Likewise a male, if he attains puberty stage and experience *wet dream* he can get married to a female. But to the side of males it’s not common unlike females, because society believe the mind of such a male is not active enough to handle a wife. Also children who got married early betw