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Effects of Zina (Fornication, Adultery) before marriage

 DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDER. Yawm al-khamis, 14th day of Rabeeu ath-thaani, 1446AH (Thursday, 17th October 2024). *_Effects of Zina (Fornication, Adultery) before marriage_*. BismilLah. Zina (either illicit fornication for those never-before-married, or adultery for those who have been married) is one of the gravest sins a Muslim can commit, after ascribing partners with ALLAH, murder, and disobedience to one’s parents. In the Qur’an, right after the prohibition of killing one’s children, ALLAH Most High says: “And do not even go close to Zina! Truly, it is a gross obscenity and an evil path (to go down).” [al-Quran, 17:32]. This verse is not just about prohibiting the act of zina itself, rather, we are told not to even go near it through anything that may lead or invite to it.  Pre-marital contact of an unrelated man and woman for unnecessary reasons is not allowed in Islam, even if marriage is the eventual goal. This kind of relationship before marriage only invites curses of ALLAH upon
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